TriangleArrow-Left.svgDecember 2022 Issues of the Questaholic Magazine June 2023TriangleArrow-Right.svg

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Letter From Your Editor

HOODS and welcome to Volume 2 of Questaholic's fourth run! Which I suppose technically makes this Volume 11, but who's counting? Other than me. And probably @Choto.

I'm getting distracted, let's get back on track: it's QUESTAHOLIC TIME! I know I say this every issue but it really is true: we've got a great one for you this time, with something for everyone: OSRS skilling boss tactics, chess puzzles, and a delightful spring egg for your Easter celebrations (and even if you don't celebrate Easter: it's still a chocolate egg!). Plus we have some tips for keeping your online accounts secure, something that seems more and more necessary these days.

As always, Questaholic is only possible thanks to the hard work of our production team, so let me take this opportunity to thank all of our writers: Shiro, Francine, Diapolo, Darkestnight, and Derp; I'd also like to thank Moesen Natha for agreeing to be interviewed for this issue. Finally, a special thank you to this issue's guest writer, Rune Dragon, who graciously agreed to write an account security article and he and I got into it in the RuneScape 3 clan chat.

I'll wrap things up, as I always do, by calling all creative types who might want to be included in the magazine: if you're interested in contributing, either as a one-off or as a recurring feature, please don't hesitate to reach out via Discord (Xurdones#3796) or offsite PMs; I'm always looking for more content to go into Questaholic, whether it be text, art, or anything else you can imagine. And even if you're not interested in contributing personally, if they're something you'd like to see more of, or less of, or some content that isn't here that you'd like to see, let me know and I'll do my best to make it happen.

Without further ado, Questaholic 2023! Enjoy!

Article by Xurdones



An interview with Moesen Natha

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by Xurdones.



What are you currently studying?
I am studying how to become the best parent possible, mostly through practical tests devised by my daughters.

If I find some time I also learn some Swedish with Duolingo, but these are still the very basics.

When I was in University I studied Chemical Engineering, so if anyone ever needs some help with their science homework, you can ask me!

What do you do for a living?
I’m officially subcontracted to work as Sr Associate Manufacturing for an American pharmaceutical company in the Netherlands. This means that we investigate issues that occur on the production floor and write reports about what exactly went wrong and how we want to fix it. It is a heavily regulated industry, but this provides me with the necessary structures to fall back on.

What's your favourite sport?
To do: Judo, I have been practising this sport since I was 7 years old and I am not ready to stop yet.

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To watch: Snooker. My father instilled me with the love to watch it and I find it very relaxing to watch.

Which are your favourite childhood cartoons?
Let see what I remember… I was a big fan of Avatar: The Last Airbender, the original series of Pokémon, Yu-Gi-Oh and of course Dragon Ball Z. I remember coming back from school and putting the tv on and watching Dragon Ball Z before doing our homework.

If you could have any super power other than invincibility, what would you choose and why?
To make everyone around me live longer and healthier. I don’t mind going first, but if I could make sure that everyone around me stays healthy that would be great.

What are your favourite outdoor activities?
Jogging, cycling with the kids, barbecuing..

Which is your favourite movie?
V for Vendetta, I just love the acting done by V, the action, the societal commentary and all the rhymes in it. Makes me think about rewatching it again. Hopefully the world will never come to that.

What sort of music and artists do you listen to?
Do you have 14 hours of time to listen to my playlist on Spotify? I would say I am an open person when it comes to music and I won’t dismiss anything on the first listen. Mostly I think it is music you hear on the radio everyday (pop, rock, electronic,...).

My favourite artist growing up was Daft Punk, but sadly they split up not so long ago, so I won’t be seeing them live in my lifetime. My guilty pleasure is Avril Lavigne, for me everything she touches is liquid gold and I will sing her songs from the top of my lungs everytime I hear them.

Which books would you recommend?
Sadly I haven’t read many books of late, but the one I touched in the last few months was RuneScape the first 20 years. Other than that most books I have read were in Dutch, so I don’t know if that interests the readers.

Thinking back, one book that stuck with me for a long time was Darwin's Dangerous Idea from Daniel C. Dennett; it is a philosophical book that talks about how the idea of evolution and natural selection can be applied to everything around us.

What's your favourite type of food?
“Wortelpuree met worst” in Dutch, in English it is carrot stew with sausage. I love the taste of it, but also the memories it unlocks, it was a dish we ate regularly when I was a kid, so it is pure nostalgia + great taste and easy to make.

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Do you prefer mom's food or restaurant food?
Mom’s food for sure, I rather stay in and eat relaxed with my family than go to a busy restaurant with too many people and noise. (Not saying I don’t enjoy dining with my wife now and then).


Which are your favourite games?
RuneScape, LoZ: the Minish Cap and tabletop games. I love getting some friends and/or family over and just playing some board games or some games of cards.

What are your favourite video game genres?
Action/adventure definitely, when I was still in university I played alot of older Zelda games and I really had fun with them.

Which was the most difficult video game you ever beat?
I think LoZ: A Link to the Past because it is just so massive in comparison with for example Oracle of Seasons or Oracle of Time.

What's the toughest thing you've ever accomplished in a video game?
Beating all levels in Need for Madness and Need for Madness 2 with the slowest car Nimi. Be warned, extremely addictive gameplay.

When playing with friends, do you prefer video games or tabletop games, and why do you prefer one over the other?
I prefer tabletop games, just because I can see my friends in real life and we can enjoy snacks and drinks together. The advantage of video games is that it is easier to play together as you can both do it from your own house.


What's your favourite skill?
It is a hard call between Slayer and Dungeoneering. Slayer could be it because it is fun to do alone or with friends. Dungeoneering will always have a place in my heart as I spent many hours in the dungeons on F2P worlds as this was the only thing you could do with members as well. I still have the Gravite 2H in the bank.

What's your favourite quest?
At the moment Succession is my favourite quest for the story telling, all the different parts and the best ending to a quest I have ever seen. The switching over between Adrasteia and Moia really gave me the chills. A close second is Eagle’s Peak as it is so well designed, easy to complete, but still challenging.

When did you start playing?
July or August 2004, it was summer break and my best friend introduced me to the world of RuneScape and I was hooked ever since.

What was your very first accomplishment?
Getting a Gravite 2h fully in free to play, next getting Morty while doing ED3 runs and my first 99 cape was hitpoints.

You get 30 seconds of full attention from all employees of Jagex. What do you say?
Unionize! Strike if you need to! Get the money and working environment you need to live comfortably and keep making the game I so much love to play.

You get a ticket to visit Gielinor IRL. Where do you go first?
Not to the bathroom for sure ;). Catherby seems to be a cool place to start. Just do some fishing and relax on the beaches. And buy pineapples from Karamja.

Which is the most interesting God? Why?
Azzanadra, as he hasn’t been a God for long and we don’t know yet where his newfound power will take him. Also Horny God = Good God.

[ed. note: *Omega bonk*]


What are your biggest dreams in life?
To raise my daughters to be happy human beings. I would also like to own a house somewhere in my life.

If you could have any 3 animals in the world (only real animals, not fictional), which would you pick?
A Rhino seems like a lot of fun, quite dangerous as well, but that doesn’t deter me. Second I would like a Capybara, just because they are so happy all the time. Thirdly, a dog is always a good companion.

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If you had to give up one of your senses (sight, hearing, touch, smell, taste) which one would you pick?
I like eating, but I would sacrifice taste as you are not tasting all the time, while your other senses are almost always “on”. Also the guy from Ben and Jerry’s had almost no taste and he survived, so I guess I could too.

How would you describe yourself to others?
Honest, free and just.

I have trouble shutting up at the right time and sometimes deliver some hard truths, but I think a lot of misunderstandings in the world would not happen if everyone was a bit more honest.

I like to choose my own path and make my own mistakes to learn. If someone tells me what to do and how to do it, I would most likely do it in another way to come to the conclusion that their way was better.

I have a big sense of justice within me and want the world to be fair for everyone and make sure everyone has a worthy life.

What is your most used item in your daily life?
Mouse of my computer I guess as I work from home and then play RuneScape on the side. None electronics related I would say a spoon as I am a sucker for corn flakes, muesli and the likes.

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If I were to visit your country, what do you think I should do first?
Go to the holy institution known as the “Frituur” (there is no English word I am aware of that means the same thing). It is a restaurant that only sells fried food and every village has one in Belgium.

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What are your favourite cities/locations, both in RS and in real life?
Raksha arena: it is built so well and the music really captures the atmosphere during the boss fight.
Priffdinas because it looks so beautiful.
Grand Exchange because it is the most iconic location in the game.
Zamorak’s hideout as it captures the chaotic and evil nature so well. Bonus points for the pictures I took with Adrasteia there.

Real life:
Home, I am a homebody and don’t mind spending time with the family there.
The dojo of my judo club, as this is where I practise my favourite hobby.
I like Hasselt and Tongeren as well as they are cities I have been to a lot when I was still living with my parents and I don’t feel lost roaming the streets there.

Do you have a motto or a favourite phrase? If so, which is it?
Smart work makes destiny prevail. I believe that by working smarter and not harder you will get what you need.

Do you play an instrument? If not, which instrument/s would you like to learn?
None, I would not like to play any instrument as I like the feeling for rhythm. I always tell people that stones have more sense of rhythm than me.

Tell us the story behind your name!
My full name is Nathan Moesen and as a twelve year old kid, I just filled my last name in and added my first name to see that I was one character short. I couldn’t be bothered to change it and it has been my username since then.

How many languages do you speak? Which one would you like to learn?
My mother tongue is Dutch and I speak English quite fluently (only the “r” is an issue). Furthermore I can get along speaking French and I understand the very basics of German. When I was in middle school (12y-16y) I studied Latin, but I don’t have many knowledge of that left.

Swedish seems fun to learn, so I should definitely continue my studies in DuoLingo :p.

If you had to escape your country immediately, what's the one thing you'd take with you?
My phone and if that’s not allowed, my wife and mine’s wedding pictures.

What's your first memory of Clan Quest?
Joining PvM gateway events with Alaska.

Coffee or tea?
Por que no los dos! If I had to choose, I would choose tea as I like it the most.

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Credit: u/mountainbrew46 from r/2007scape

Best thing of Clan Quest?
Being accepted by everyone as you are and being able to build friendships all around the world.


Did you find it yet?
I found some references to this Alex 43 guy.

Where was it?
On the clan quest forums.

Are you going to take good care of it this time?
Yea, I will never forget it.

Do you have a new place for it?
Yea, in my mind.

Is this place safe?
Very safe!

Would it last a long time if it stayed there forgotten?
Yea, useless facts stay with me forever.

Do you need help?
Everyone can need some help sometimes.

Is this a good idea?
Alex 43 only has good ideas.

Can you say that with confidence?

Is this how it's going to be?


What is the meaning of life?
Suffer a little less by facing your challenges together.

Article by Xurdones

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Computed Tomography (CT)

Last year I've worked on a report on Computed Tomography (CT Scanning). Though this is far from my "expertise", I do want share the general idea behind it with you guys. Some formulas might be daunting, but honestly if you're not able to understand them, just say: "cool formula bro" and move on. If you do happen to understand them, nice :). However, this will also show the limits of unicode and therefor, I will sometimes show images of formulas instead of typing them. Without further ado, Computed Tomography:

The General Idea

The idea behind Computed Tomography scanning (CT-scanning) is to shoot multiple X-rays through a certain medium. Such medium could be muscle tissue, brain tissue, skeletons. Another field this technique is currently used in is archaeology, where shooting X-rays are used to determine what's in a sarcophagus without the need of opening it. This technique sadly also has a downside that metal objects are able to destroy your scanner and should always be avoided in CT-scanning.

Say there's a medium to be scanned, the X-rays will pass with a starting intensity I through the medium and some of its energy is absorbed. Behind the medium the intensity I* of the X-ray will be measured again at the detector. The difference I-I* will then give information of how much energy is absorbed by the medium. This process is perhaps more clearly shown in the figure below

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The goal of CT-scanning is to reconstruct the medium by shooting rays through it. By shooting rays from a single angle the information that is obtained will not be enough. Therefore the process will be repeated from multiple angles (ideally in a continuum). The combined obtained information will then be used to reconstruct the medium, but later more on this subject. A small example to clarify on this. Note the following example shows a discrete example instead of delving directly into continuous scanning. Say there is a medium as shown in Figure 2. The white squares depict the medium and the dark squares represent empty spaces. For convenience lets assume each white square absorbs a single unit, so the first row in Figure 2a absorbs two units. The detector won't know which square absorbed the units, but it does know that the sum of white squares is equal to two and that it passed squares x1, x2 and x3. This turns into the equation x1+x2+x3 = 2. Apply this to all rays in Figure 2 will obtain a system of equations with nine variables. Solving this system will then obtain the reconstructed medium. As a mathematical convenience one can take the sum of the equations for rays 1 and 4 and rays 2 and 5 of Figure 2c in order to obtain an 9x9 system of equation. Note that the system is still linearly independent by doing so.

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Returning to the idea of continuously shooting X-rays. It may not be obvious, but for this technique to work a few mathematical assumptions need to be made. The first assumption is that each ray has zero width. The second is that each ray is a straight line and does not bend. In each point x where the ray intersects with the medium, it absorbs some energy for each millimeter in depth into the medium. The intensity through point x can then be given by I(x) = E*n(x), with E the energy level and n(x) the number of particles travelling through x. Let A(x) be a function for the medium, then Beer's law says I'(x) = -A(x)I(x), a differential equation that has the solution I(x1) = I(x0)exp(-∫A(x)dx, the integral from x0 to x1 with x0 the in-going intersection point and x1 the outgoing intersection point. The goal is to determine A(x) with I(x0) and I(x1) which have been measured. The following question can be asked: is it possible to reconstruct the function A with the use of the average value of it along every line that passes through the region? This was first mentioned by Radon in 1917. The measurements of the rays will be collected for a multitude of angles. This will be collected in a sinogram.

From here on things will get more advanced.


A sinogram is a visual representation of the data obtained in the technique of CT-scanning. An example of such sinogram is shown in the figure below.

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During the process of CT, a sinogram is obtained. The idea is to find a method to reconstruct the medium as accurately as possible from this information. If such method is found, then it's crucial that it is tested properly. Therefore it is important to test such method on a well known sinogram. We will now focus on mathematically creating a sinogram from a chosen image. This process is called a Radon Transform, named after Johann Radon. To define the Radon Transform it is necessary to look at the lines in the plane with polar coordinates, with angle θ and radial coordinate s. The line through the point s(cos(θ),sin(θ)) is given by

l = s(cos(θ),sin(θ)) + t(sin(θ), - cos(θ).

By skipping a few rewriting steps we can now define the Radon Transform: The Radon Transform, which describes the transformation from an image/medium u(x,y) to a sinogram f(s,θ) is defined as

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Note that u is a function in Cartesian coordinates and the transform ℛ is in polar coordinates.

I would now like to show an example on how one obtains such Sinogram using the Radon Transform, however I must admit that this may be a bit advanced. For those really interested I will however put a figure below of the example, but feel free to skip it. The example shows how we obtained the sinogram shown in Figure 5.

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Filtered Backprojection

So far we've only covered mathematically obtaining a sinogram, which in real life we don't really need since the CT scanning will do that for us. However it's a very useful process in order for us to understand how we can convert such Sinogram back to the real "object", because after all, that is what we really need. One of many methods to retrieve an image of the original object is called Filtered Backprojection.

A process that is approximately the same as the reconstruction of the image using the sinogram, in other words the same as the inverse of the Radon Transform, is Backprojection followed by 2D-filtering. First the Backprojection will be discussed. In practice the Backprojection without the filtering doesn't really give the original image/medium back. This is because the image that is returned by the Backprojection has a lot of noise.

In the context of reconstructing the image from its sinogram the Backprojection is also called the adjoint of the Radon Transform. The Radon Transform integrates along lines and the adjoint (ℛ*) of the Radon Transform smears the sinogram back along these lines. With f=ℛu it is given by

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Now we can define backprojection:

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Finally we need to add a 2D filter to deal with most of the noise, which leads us to

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The figure below shows an example of transforming the original into a sinogram, back into the image using filtered backprojection.

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Thank You

If you've come this far, thank you for reading this entire piece. I do understand that the stuff above is pretty advanced and maybe not as interesting to read for the general public. However I do think "the general idea" was readable for most and the rest more of an added bonus for those interested. I find computed tomography very interesting and I wanted to share that with you all, but I will make this next article more friendly to read. Should anyone be interested in the actual paper I wrote (which contains a lot more), please hit me up.

For now unhoods and until next time!

Article by Shiro_Shana


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Hoods to all noobs reading this article, RS3 and OSRS players alike. It’s me, Francine, here again with Diapolo for another OSRS article. I have mentioned this article in previous articles. In my October 2022 article, I wrote about Construction. I mentioned that you can get passive construction experience from a minigame boss similar to the one I wrote about in June 2022, Wintertodt. Tempoross is another minigame-style boss where you mainly train Fishing in order to defeat the boss, a water elemental that is wreaking havoc upon sailors. That is what this article will be about.

Tempoross was released on March 24, 2021, just two years ago. With it came the tome of water, similar to the tome of fire from Wintertodt. Other desirable drops are the specific uniques: the fish barrel, tackle box, big harpoonfish, tiny tempor pet, and the upgrade to the Spirit Anglers Outfit. This also becomes a relatively fast way to gain fishing experience in the game, requiring fewer actions than tic fishing. When using a regular harpoon, you can gain 30k xp/hour at level 35 fishing if using the no cooking strategy. When using a dragon harpoon, you can gain 66k xp/hour at level 70 fishing also using the no cooking strategy. If cooking, this rate will significantly decrease.

In other news, pets are allowed to be brought in the Tempoross fight, and the fished harpoonfish can be fed to kittens when hungry. You can still raise kittens for death runes, no pausing that grind.

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From the Tempoross Wiki Page “Tempoross, also known as the Spirit of the Sea, is an ancient entity believed to be as old as Gielinor itself. It is able to create intense storms that make sailing difficult and has recently awoken after having laid dormant for centuries, wreaking havoc upon sailors who were unfortunate to cross its path in the seas.

The Spirit Anglers, a group of fishermen from Al Kharid, have established a port at the Ruins of Unkah in the southern desert to investigate the reason behind its sudden resurgence and to create a safe passage through the seas by keeping it subdued.

Tempoross is considered a boss and not a minigame. Therefore, while players take no damage directly from Tempoross or the surrounding environment, the normal rules relating to the loss of items still apply, and Hardcore Ironmen will lose their Hardcore status if they die while fighting Tempoross (e.g. from poison, given before entering the fight).”


The only requirement to enter the Tempoross minigame is level 35 Fishing. However, I would recommend you gather yourself the Anglers outfit from the Fishing Trawler after level 15 fishing to gain 2.5% more fishing experience. I would also recommend you own a POH and find yourself the Imcando hammer after finishing the Below Ice Mountain Quest. This way, you can gain free Construction experience and you can not lose your Imcando hammer if you are caught in fires or colossal waves during the fight. Similarly, if you wield the Barb-Tailed Harpoon, you have one less item you can lose from fires or colossal waves.


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Ferryman Nathwood - An NPC located directly south of the Al-Kharid bank by the shores, who ferry players to the Ruins of Unkah and back, free of charge.

Ruins of Unkah - This area in the southeastern part of the Kharidian Desert acts as the hub of the Spirit Anglers and is where you sortie into the Tempoross Cove. Its main features are the large boat that takes you to the fight, a bank, a whirlpool where you can spend reward credits for loot rolls, a shop selling fish and fishing equipment, and an NPC that lets you upgrade your angler outfit. Other than the ferry from Al-Kharid, the ruins can be reached via the desert, camulet teleport being fairly close to the eastern shanty pass.

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Tempoross Cove - This is the main boss arena. Players are evenly split across the two boats, and both sides of the cove have the same features; two normal harpoonfish fishing spots, one periodically spawning jumping harpoonfish fishing spot with a chance of providing double catches, a shrine for cooking the harpoonfish, two masts for tying yourself during huge wave attacks, two cannons, a pier where Tempoross’ pools spawn, and crates with supplies (harpoons, buckets, ropes) in case you lose them to fires or huge waves. The boat and pier have pumps for filling empty buckets. There’s no point in traveling to the opposite side of the cove unless you need to complete the Combat Achievement “Fire in the Hole”.

Reward Pool & Points

Unique Rewards

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Spirit flakes - Provides a 50% chance of catching an extra fish for no additional XP. Stacks with Rada's blessing.

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Spirit angler's outfit - Requires angler pieces and 1,200 spirit flakes per piece (4,800 for the full set). Talk to Gita Prymes, east of the dock. The Spirit Anglers acts as a rope while fighting Tempoross, so you can not lose your rope, and so frees up an inventory spot.

Great blue heron - A recolored version of the heron, obtained by feeding the heron 3,000 spirit flakes.

Fish barrel - Stores up to 28 raw fish, which can only be removed at a bank. Can be combined with a fish sack to make it equipable.

Tackle box - Stores fishing equipment, saving bank slots

Big harpoonfish - Can be mounted in a skill hall.

Tome of water & Soaked Pages - Requires level 50 in Magic to wield. The tome acts as an infinite stock of water runes, increases damage from water spells by 20%, and increases the accuracy of water, curse, and binding spells by 20%.

Tiny tempor - Tempoross pet. Obtained from fishing in the reward pool, not from killing the boss itself.

Dragon harpoon -

Other Rewards

Casket - May include: Rune Armour, Uncharged Jewelry, Gems up to dragonstone, Gold or Silver Bars, Loop or Tooth half key, Easy, Medium, or Hard Clue scrolls, and Coins.

Fish - Based on your fishing level, noted food.

  • Level 35-39: Raw Herring, Mackerel, Pike, Salmon, and Tuna
  • Level 40-45: Raw Mackerel, Pike, Salmon, Tuna, and Lobster
  • Level 46-49: Raw Pike, Salmon, Tuna, Lobster, and Bass
  • Level 50-75: Raw Salmon, Tuna, Lobster, Bass, and Swordfish
  • Level 76-78: Raw Tuna, Lobster, Bass, Swordfish, and Sharks
  • Level 79-80: Raw Lobster, Bass, Swordfish, Sharks, and Sea Turtles
  • Level 81+: Raw Bass, Swordfish, Sharks, Sea Turtles, and Manta Rays

Regular Planks, Oak Planks, Steel Nails, Seaweed, Feathers, Fishing Bait


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Fishing harpoonfish (5 points/fish) - Collect raw harpoonfish

Cooking harpoonfish (10 points/fish) - Cook harpoonfish to increase their damage output when used as ammo.

Depositing harpoonfish (raw/cooked/crystallised) (20/65/20 points/fish) - Deposit harpoonfish into the crates next to the cannons on the ships. Depositing cooked harpoonfish yields significantly more points.

Repairing totems/masts (40 points/repair) - Over time, the totem poles and masts players tether themselves to will get damaged and need to be repaired with an Imcando or normal hammer. Doing so provides experience equal to 4 times the player's construction level.

Dousing fires (40 points/fire) - Douse the fires created by Tempoross' lightning attack.

Surviving the wave (10 points/wave) - Tether to either a totem pole or mast to survive the colossal wave.

Harpooning spirit pool (55 points/scatter) - Fish in the whirlpools to drain Tempoross' essence.

Keep In Mind

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Tempoross has three different attacks. All of these can be avoided and will not occur if Tempoross’s energy is at 10% or below:

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  1. Wave attack occurs around Storm Intensity 15%, 45%, and 75%, Tether yourself to Totem Pole or Mast. Make sure each is repaired beforehand. If caught in the wave and not tethered down, the supplies in your inventory can be destroyed.
  2. Lightning attack occurs around Storm Intensity 30%, 60%, and 90%. Four clouds will come into shore, lightning will strike, and fires will be left. Locations usually are as follows: one cloud will be on the boat, one in front of the anchor, one next to the totem pole, and one near a fishing spot. Douse the flames with buckets of water. If you run through or stand in these fires, the supplies in your inventory can be destroyed.
  3. Torrent attack is a swirling pillar of water launched towards a cannon, which temporarily disables it and stuns any player currently loading the cannon. This can be avoided by quickly stepping away or switching to another cannon onboard.

Now, are you ready to learn how to actually fight Tempoross? Well, board the boat, fill your buckets of water, and be on alert to click north or south.

Playthrough on Mass World by Francine

Equipment & Inventory

Beginner equipment starting out is really up to you. However, I do have Recommendations as I mentioned above briefly.

  • Green Anglers Outfit to gain 2.5% more Fishing Experience
    • Eventually, after you gain 4,800 Spirit Flakes, you can trade the flakes in to make your Green Anglers into Spirit Anglers Outfit which acts as a rope during the fight.
  • Barb-Tailed Harpoon wielded, so you can’t lose the harpoon
  • Imcando Hammer, so you can’t lose your hammer

As for Inventory, it is your choice on how many buckets and ropes to bring. Be aware, if you fail to move around fires or fail to tie yourself down during a wave, you may lose your only rope or bucket and must go get more during the fight. Once you have the Spirit anglers, Imcando hammer, and wielded harpoon, the only thing, in addition, is buckets. You can then only lose buckets and fish during the fight.


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The Strategy you choose to use is based on your goal. If you want to gain the most Fishing experience per game, or if you want to gain the most Reward Points per game. I will explain more later on. The most important Wave is the first one, setting yourself up for success. If you mess up at all on Wave 1, it won't be a smooth run, but since you are playing with other players, you will still kill Tempoross.

Wave 1

Depending on which boat you spawned on, run north or south to the shore and begin fishing. At this point, Tempoross Energy is growing rapidly from 50% to 100% to give you a head start before they appear. Once their Energy reaches 100%, the Storm Intensity will begin to rise at a steady pace.

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Once the Storm Intensity reaches 3%, be ready to click on the third fishing spot, indicated by a green square on Runelite and a harpoonfish jumping high above the fishing spot. You should be able to get a full inventory soon, but still, keep an eye on the Storm Intensity. Once it reaches 15% head to the totem pole and tether yourself down as the colossal wave is quickly approaching. After every wave, the totem pole or mast may need to be repaired. Get your free construction experience here.

After getting a full inventory, now your choice of strategy comes into play, if you want to max your points, cooking the fish before loading the cannon will be the way to go. However, if you want to maximize the Fishing experience, and you have a full inventory before the Storm Intensity reaches 15%, run up the anchor and tether yourself to the mast instead. After the wave passes, begin loading the cannon with your harpoonfish.

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Around 30% Storm Intenisty, clouds will move in to perform the lightning attack and leave fires. If maximizing points, dousing these fires before other players do is the goal, and if you can, waiting until they spread is also smart to gain double the amount of points. After loading the cannons with your cooked first inventory, fish and cook a second inventory to have a head start in Wave 3.

If going for a fishing experience, you can leave these fires for others to douse, but if they don’t, don’t be afraid to douse it yourself so you don’t lose any fish or gear. You should be able to fish two inventories and load the cannons in this wave if you are not cooking. If the timing is right and you are watching the storm intensity, your first load at the cannon should be from 20% to 30% Storm intensity, quickly run back to shore so you can avoid the fires before they block the path by the anchor. Fish another inventory before the energy gets to 30% and run back to the ship and load the cannons. If you are still loading the cannons when the wave ends, still finish the inventory. You gain experience with every fish loaded into the cannon, while during wave two, the experience is not guaranteed every tic, but is scattered amongst all players.

Note: Another Colossal wave will come around 45% & 75% Storm Intensity, and Clouds at 60%

Wave 2

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Tempoross is now in a weak state. It is now time to decrease his Essence percentage before his Energy becomes 100% again. Run to the dock and harpoon the whirlpool. If going for points, going to the whirlpool right away is best, as you gain 55 points every time you receive experience, which is scattered amongst all players, so it is not guaranteed every tic.

Wave 3

Mostly the same as Wave 1. If you are doing the cooking strategy, finish the inventory you already started to do and load the cannons. If you have time, fish more and load the cannons with as much as you can before the final wave. Watch the Storm Intensity for when the big wave and fires come. If going for fishing experience, you can even fish another inventory and load the cannons until wave four is completed. Load as much as time can offer you since there is no need to go to the whirlpool this time.

Wave 4

Kill Tempoross and leave the island by selecting the leave option from either the NPC on the boat or the other Spirit Angler on the island.

Solo Kill by Diapolo

The basic strategy for a solo kill depends on whether you want to prioritize reward points or experience. This guide will focus on the former, providing some guidance for the latter as footnotes. A Fishing level of 80+ is recommended before attempting solo kills using this strategy, with 85+ being ideal. This assumes barehanded fishing, so if you have a harpoon upgrade you will likely succeed at lower levels more easily.

Equipment & Inventory

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Since a successful solo kill strategy will have Tempoross use only two special attacks per kill, one large wave and one fire attack, many parts of the standard equipment become optional.

In an ideal run you'll be doing a lot of running, so having weight-reducing equipment is very useful. Your base outfit should be the graceful set, with the head, top, legs, and boots swapped for the spirit angler outfit if you have the full set. Alternatively, you can keep using graceful only, and have a disposable(?) rope in your inventory - it's only needed once per kill.

As stated before, the Spirit Anglers outfit is an upgraded version of the Anglers outfit by trading in 1,200 Spirit Flakes per piece. The Spirit Anglers’ outfit acts as a rope while fighting Tempoross, so you cannot lose your rope, and it frees up an inventory slot.

On the weapon slot, you can equip your harpoon or the Imcando hammer. Neither are required, you can get successful solo kills with barehanded fishing (from barbarian training) and the hammer is just a nice-to-have as you don't need to repair anything to survive, but if you need to do some inventory management (such as bringing a stamina potion) it can be useful to have flexibility.

The best harpoons to bring for points are:

The infernal harpoon > Dragon harpoon > Barb-tail harpoon/Just Barehanded

Crystal harpoons are good, but they're more useful for maximizing experience

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For the inventory, you'll want one bucket of water and three other items. The three items can technically be anything at all, but the most useful ones would be harpoons, a hammer, and/or runes for Humidify (Lunar spellbook, 68 Magic). Using a rune pouch will let you bring other items for the other two slots, such as a stamina potion or energy potion. Regardless, you'll want exactly 24 free inventory slots to make counting harpoonfish easier.

The items should also be laid out in a specific pattern. The bucket of water goes to the top-left slot, and two of the other three items go to the bottom right corner. The last one goes two slots above them, so that 17 empty slots remain between it and the bucket. A picture is provided for reference.


The general strategy for solo kills is split into waves. The first wave is the most difficult, because it takes the most effort. Wave 2, in contrast, is the easiest as there's very little to worry about, with 3 not being much different overall. In solo encounters you'll always spawn on the western boat, meaning you'll be using the northern part of the Tempoross cove.

Wave 1

  1. Run to the shore and begin fishing, until you have 8 harpoonfish (as you get experience, go for 8-9 "attempts" instead, regardless of whether you get a fish or not)
  2. Cook the fish, and be on the lookout for the third fishing spot (green square for RuneLite Tempoross plugin users). It should spawn close to when you're done cooking your fish.
  3. Fish from the fishing spot with a jumping harpoonfish until you have 17 harpoonfish (or in other words, when you've got enough to reach the second item in your inventory), then begin cooking the fish
  4. A huge wave attack should begin shortly, run to the pole when it happens. If using the RuneLite plugin, click on the totem pole when the circle indicator is halfway for maximum efficiency.
  5. Finish cooking the fish and run to the cannons - you should be running before the thunder attack begins, but if you're late, just make sure you're done cooking.
  6. Load the fish into the cannon, and extinguish the fire on the boat right after that - if the fire is by the cannon, swap to the other cannon to avoid getting hit.
  7. Take 5 empty buckets and fill them using either the water pump or Humidify, then run to the shore. Extinguish any fires on your critical path to the fishing spot, ideally leaving some to spread unless they've spawned in risky spots. The best ones to leave would be ones on the northern coast and by the western fishing spot, as you'll want the fires to spread to the western part of the cove if possible.
  8. Fish harpoonfish and cook them until you have 19 (that is, a full inventory; 28 - 4 - 5 == 19). As long as at least two of them are cooked, you'll be safe for the next part, but you'll want to aim for all of them to be cooked. Prioritize having a full inventory over having them all cooked, because fishing during the pool encounter is more difficult than just cooking.
  9. When the storm intensity reaches 94%, or when you're done cooking, run to the cannons and unload all of your cooked fish. Any later than 94% and you'll fail the encounter. If you have uncooked fish, cook them after unloading all cooked ones and ignore the pools if you have no time. Otherwise, once you've put 19 cooked fish into the cannons, run to the pools and start damaging Tempoross. You can technically do this with 18 fish instead of 19, but you'll get one fish worth less points and need to put only one fish in initially until Tempoross sinks beneath the waves (the extra fish is "wasted" as only one is needed to finish the remaining 4% energy).

Wave 2

  1. If there are fires nearby, you can pick up some extra buckets and start extinguishing them for points, leaving some burning just in case unless they pose a threat. Risk versus reward.
  2. Fish and cook 19 harpoonfish.
  3. If the totem pole or mast need repairs, you can use any downtime to fix those, but for maximum points you should focus on the "renewable" fires and treat the repairs as quick points when there's no time for anything else.
  4. Load all the cooked fish into the cannon.
  5. Fish from the pools to damage Tempoross.

Wave 3

  1. tart the wave by focusing on extinguishing fires. Fill your inventory with buckets, fill them (Humidify is faster if you have it), and extinguish fires until around 40-50% storm intensity - this takes some getting used to, don't go all in on your first attempt and focus on getting a feel for it.
  2. Drop all but one bucket, and fill the rest of your inventory with cooked harpoonfish. You'll need at least 22, but 24 is recommended for extra points.
  3. Unload your fish into both cannons, at least 6 in the other but ideally evenly split. Otherwise you won't survive if you fail to kill Tempoross in this wave.
  4. Fish from the pools.

Wave 4

  1. If you're here, you probably got screwed by RNG. Tempoross will quickly raise the storm intensity and you will fail the encounter if the cannons weren't filled properly on the previous wave.
  2. Fish from the pools until Tempoross goes down and you win. There's technically time to do some fishing if you want to squeeze every single point, but prioritize the kill as there's no saving this one if you can't finish Tempoross during this wave.


Let's refresh:

  1. Get 15 fishing and board the fishing trawler until you get all four pieces of the Anglers outfit
  2. Finish the Below Ice Mountain quest and find the Imcando Hammer
  3. Get 33 Hunter and catch a Barb-tailed Kebbit for a wieldable harpoon
  4. Get 35 Fishing and go to Al Kharid South of the bank and ferry to the Ruins of Unkah
  5. Kill Tempoross many times, getting fishing, cooking, and construction experience
  6. Complete Combat Achievements and have good RNG to receive unique rewards.

For more information, refer to the OSRS wiki page.

I will be writing more Questaholic articles, so I would like to hear from you what Oldschool Runescape Content you are curious to learn more about. Please let me know, so then I can write another informative article that lets you know more about the other and oldschool side of Clan Quest.

For any other questions or inquiries, you may contact me on discord @Francine1225#2877

Until next time, unhoods

Article by Francine1225 and Diapolo10

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The Clan Quest Test Kitchen

Hoods, and welcome back to Questaholic's Test Kitchen! It's the first edition of the year and Easter is on the horizon so we're going to do our best to help out the Easter Bunny this year now that Sliske's Chocolate Factory has finally closed its doors. This edition we're making Easter eggs! I'd give this recipe a ranking of 2 Guthixian Butterflies out of 5, adding an additional butterfly depending on if you wish to temper your chocolate. But remember, all chocolate is valid regardless of tempered status. So long as it tastes delicious then that's all that matters.

Chocolate Easter Egg

Egg Base Ingredients

  • Your cooking chocolate of choice (white/milk/dark)
  • A chocolate egg mould
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Yes! it really is that simple! It feels... too simple... and that's why we're introducing;

Optional Decorative Ingredients

  • Candy melts
  • Edible glitter
  • Edible food paint
  • Cocoa food colouring
  • Mini chocolate eggs
  • Chocolate based cake decorations

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Your Easter eggs don't have to be decorated of course, but let's add a little pizzazz shall we?

So what is tempered chocolate?

Good question! Tempered chocolate is chocolate which has undergone the process of tempering (excellent explanation 10/10). What tempering chocolate does is aim to prevent something known as bloom occurring which gives your chocolate product a sort of chalky appearance, nothing like the nice glossy appearance you may wish to achieve. Hotel Chocolat has written a good in-depth explanation of what bloom is which you can read here.

But what you may be asking is what does bloom affect, or does it just affect appearance? The official answer is split; some people believe it can change the taste and texture of your chocolate while others do not believe it does. If you plan on gifting your eggs then you may wish to temper your chocolate, but all in all it's not something to worry about unduly. If you want to know more about how you can temper your chocolate then there's plenty of great resources online, but I'll help you out with the first one here which discusses the three main methods used to temper chocolate.

In fact, looking at Sliske's Wight Chocolate process you could possibly argue he uses the tabling method of tempering chocolate (in his own dramatic way, because portals are so much more fun than marble surfaces right?).

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Enough talk about tempered chocolate, teach me the ways of Egg

I hear you pal, so let's get down to business.

  • First of all we need to talk egg moulds. I can't guarantee how big your mould will be so I can't give you an exact weight to aim for when melting your chocolate. You may require more or less than what I have used for my own eggs which was approximately 300g of chocolate. If you plan on decorating your eggs with a splash of chocolate afterwards you'll want to keep in mind that you'll need an excess of chocolate beyond your base amount.
  • Second point of discussion is how do we prefer to melt our chocolate? And if you're planning to temper your chocolate will any particular method cause you aggravation?

If you plan to use the microwave then I advise you melt the chocolate in 30 second increments, checking and stirring as needed throughout to prevent burnt chocolate.

If you want to temper chocolate and wish to use the microwave then worry not as that is still a possibility. Le Cordon Bleu has a brief video here which should help you to make an informed decision.

The other option is using a Bain-marie which can be constructed by filling a pan with boiling water, and placing your mixing bowl on top of the pan.

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This method takes longer for the chocolate to melt but it does allow you greater control of the temperature if you are tempering your chocolate. If you require the chocolate to remain in a liquid state for a longer period then this is also a great method as you can change out the water as needed.

I tried both the microwave and Bain-marie method for separate eggs and my personal preference was the Bain-marie due to the greater control element, but I concede that the microwave was the quicker method out of the two. If you're making Easter eggs with children then the microwave may be your preferred method for safety reasons as there isn't a possibility of hot water being spilled!

The Recipe

  • Once you have melted your chocolate we'll be pouring it into our moulds and spreading the chocolate evenly throughout (the use of gravity and rotating the mould is as simple as it needs to be). Other recipes may encourage you to use a pastry brush and paint layers of chocolate in the mould instead, but I trialled this method and found the liquid chocolate had a habit of melting the previous layer with it's heat, so I prefer to do one large pour instead. Make sure there is no moisture in the moulds before use as this can disrupt the setting process.
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  • Once your chocolate is evenly coated throughout we're going to pour any excess back into the bowl. If you poured just enough chocolate then you will find you won't need to do this. More chocolate evenly coated means a thicker layer, but you may still have a small pool of excess at the centre of the egg you need to get rid of. Make sure the edges of your egg halves are coated as we'll be sealing the eggs together at a later stage.
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  • We're now placing our moulds into the fridge and allowing them to set for an hour. You want the eggs to be nice and solid as we'll be working at room temperature in the following steps with fragile eggs that risk melting with warm hands. Give yourself the best possible chance for success! If you want to let your eggs set for an extra thirty minutes or even an hour then I won't stop you.
  • Remove your eggs from the fridge. If they still seem a little wet then place them back in the fridge again to chill for a little longer. If your eggs are solid then we'll be aiming to remove them from the moulds.

Now, your moulds may have come with instructions on how to remove the eggs and my advice is to follow their instructions. Different moulds may have different removal methods.

If your egg moulds didn't come with removal instructions then I'll tell you what I did; what you'll need to do is gently, gently pinch the egg mould and slightly bend the mould from the outer edge bit by bit to the centre. What this is doing is slowly prying the chocolate away from the mould but we do want to do this with minimal power as the chocolate is fragile.

Once you feel the eggs have been pried from their moulds slightly, turn your mould face down and gently push the centre of the mould to help ease the eggs out. Et voilà, you've either got your egg halves out in one piece or in several.

Don't be disheartened if your egg breaks or cracks! The chocolate is very delicate here and therefore this is a difficult process. Broken eggs can be repurposed as a "hatching" egg! So long as it's delicious then that's the most important thing here. I made at least three eggs total for this magazine and two suffered breakage during the process. It happens!

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  • If you plan on decorating your eggs now is the time to do it. Decorate them however you like; you can drizzle a little chocolate onto them or use edible paint and glitter, however you prefer! Listed in the optional ingredients is also cocoa food colouring to recolour chocolate (for example, you may want a pink egg as your base!), but know that it works best with white chocolate for obvious reasons.

Now, for the egg I'm presenting for this guide I thought I'd take some inspiration from an old Angel Scapes pin I own;

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White base, gold accents, Dragonkin chic. Nice and RuneScape themed! So I've chosen a white egg base and painted gold along the crack pattern of the egg. Big bold strokes as I plan to muss the paint up a little later on to blend in with some golden glitter. If you're using wet ingredients to decorate then I advise you place your eggs back in the fridge to keep them solid while they dry.

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  • Now you've decorated your egg halves you may want to put a little something inside the egg before we seal it together. This is doable! Some egg moulds provide smaller egg moulds for this purpose so you can make your own mini-eggs, but I've chosen to buy pre-made ones as they came pre-wrapped. Partly for practicality, partly for cleanliness, and partly for the pretty colours the wrappers comes in. You don't want to overload your egg, but a small amount of treats doesn't hurt!
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  • The next step is to seal the egg halves together, which is easier said than done. Remember earlier I mentioned the edges of the egg? Yes, well this is where that previous step becomes important. Some guides will recommend that you use excess chocolate as a form of cement to seal the the two halves together, which is one option.

I chose to boil a kettle, place a spoon in some hot water, dry the spoon, and used the spoon to melt the edges of the egg halves before gently placing them together. After they seemed initially secure I then used a small amount of excess chocolate to seal the egg in any sections I felt needed reinforcing for extra security.

I chose this method as excess chocolate may slide down the side of the egg when trying to cement them together, and in turn can melt part of the egg and lead to breakages. Melting the edges and placing them together means we're using less liquid chocolate and the two surfaces that will be touching are guaranteed to be coated in melted chocolate.

You'll need to hold the egg halves together while they initially set, but placing them back in the fridge once they have some structure isn't a bad idea at all.

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  • Now this step isn't mandatory, and is more of an explanation for what I chose to do for my egg. I chose to make some additional pieces to adhere to the egg to 1.) make the egg appear a little more Eastery and 2.) to imitate the foliage found on Anachronia to continue to the Dragonkin theme. I poured some candy melts into a foliage mould and allowed them to set in the fridge before popping them out to gently adhere to my egg once it had done setting post sealing.
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I tested using chocolate as well as candy melts for this purpose and what I discovered is candy melts retain more detail from the mould compared to chocolate, are easier to pop out from their moulds, and withstand room temperature far better. For the final product I did use both the chocolate based foliage and the candy melts, but I did prefer the green candy based fauna. I adhered the decorations to the egg by gently melting the base of the candy melts with a hot spoon, and held it against the egg until the melted section had begun to set.

  • Congratulations! You should have an egg! If you plan on gifting your egg to someone then now is the ideal time to start packing them (perhaps in an appropriately sized treat bag with additional decorative pieces). I wouldn't blame you though if after all of your work and the obligatory Instagram photos have been taken if you wanted to eat your eggs then and there. If you have children and you don't mind getting a bit sticky then this is a great activity to do together, but just as fun to do by yourself as well!
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Thank you so much for joining me in the Clan Quest Test Kitchen this edition, if you made an egg of your own using this guide then I'd love to see it! This is just the start of the publishing year, and I'm sure we'll have lots of fun in later editions as well! Unshood for now folks and see you soon!

Article by Darkestnight

The making of a famous chess puzzle

Whenever a new chess player asks an experienced chess player what the best way to quickly improve their chess is, the answer will very often be exactly this: solve more tactics. Chess tactics, also known as chess puzzles, involve the solver being presented with a certain position in which they have to continue playing as one of the two colours. The objective is usually to either win the game by checkmate, possibly in a specified number of moves, or to win a decisive amount of material. Nowadays, puzzle databases consist mainly of tactics that actually occurred in real games, played either in real life or online. There is also a second category of puzzles, known as compositions, which did not occur in real games but were specifically designed by a clever puzzlemaker. In this article, I will take you through perhaps the most famous composition of all time, which was first published in the 1850's. The puzzle is known as Morphy's puzzle, as it was designed by the famous American chess player -- and depending who you ask, the best chess player of his time --, Paul Morphy. It is said that he composed this puzzle at the age of 9 or 10 years old, and that it is the only known composition of his design. The position is as follows, and the objective is as follows: white to play and checkmate in 2 moves.

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Do not be fooled by the empty looking board, the puzzle is actually quite complicated. With knowledge of the solution, however, you can quite easily see how Morphy had originally composed this puzzle. I will take you through the process now, so if you still want to try solving the above puzzle, then this is your final and only spoiler warning.

When it comes to composing puzzles, the way to do it is often to start with the position you want to finish at, and then build backwards from there. All of the steps backwards can introduce complexity to your puzzle, and so generally, taking more steps backwards means your puzzle will get harder. To illustrate what I mean, consider the following puzzle: white to play and mate in 1.

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The solution to this puzzle is the only check that white can give: if white pushes the pawn to b7, then black is checkmated. It is important to note here that black's pawn on a7 blocks his king's escape, and in that sense, you could consider the final position as a sort of smothered mate; we call this a smothered mate because the checkmated king has his escape route blocked by his own piece, so he is being "smothered" by his own pieces. The pawn push to b7 is going to be a central theme in the composition of this puzzle, so keep that in mind.

Now, it is time to take a couple of steps backwards to make the puzzle more complicated. First of all, we can immediately put a black bishop on b8 and the puzzle does not change in any meaningful way; white can still checkmate in 1 by moving his pawn to b7 with check.

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Now, consider the above position, but with black to move instead of white. Black can move either his bishop or his pawn; any bishop move is not problematic, as pawn to b7 would still be checkmate afterwards. On the contrary, all of black's pawn moves are problematic; if he pushes his pawn to a6 or a5, then pawn to b7 is no longer checkmate as the king can move to a6, the square previously occupied by the black pawn. Lastly, black can currently simply capture the white pawn on b6 with his pawn on a7, and that is not good for white. Luckily, we can solve all of these issues at once by (1) placing a piece on a6, blocking black's pawn from moving forward and (2) having this piece on a6 pin black's pawn to his king, stopping the capture on b6. There are two possibilities here; we can either place a white queen or a white rook on a6. Oftentimes in puzzles however, it is considered more elegant to use the piece of lowest possible value. As such, we can place a white rook on a6.

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The placement of the rook on a6 causes black to be completely unable to move his pawn, so black currently can only play bishop moves. When the bishop moves, the wonderful thing about the rook on a6 is that a second checkmate is threatened besides pawn to b7; the white rook taking the pawn on a7 would also suffice. This is what I believe to be the essence of this puzzle: the possibility of these two different checkmates even allows us to put a black pawn on b7! With a black pawn on b7, white can no longer push his pawn to b7 with checkmate, but white is still threatening the rook takes a7 checkmate. Unfortunately, black has only one way to stop this checkmate (namely taking the rook on a6 with his pawn on b7), but then the black pawn would vacate b7, which in turn enables white's pawn to b7 checkmate idea again. If black does not take the rook, then he needs to move the bishop, and white's rook can take on a7 with checkmate. Black can only lose! This phenomenon when someone is required to move, while all moves put that player in a losing position, is known by the German term Zugzwang.

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With the above position in mind (which, with black to move, is checkmate in 1 for white), we can now complicate it even further by moving white's rook back to a1. This puts us in the starting position of the puzzle above, and there is only one solution for a white move that guarantees checkmate on white's next move: rook to a6. What looks to be a completely dumb rook sacrifice is actually precisely what the position requires you to do, as otherwise black can just push his pawn to a6 and delay the inevitable checkmate.

Article by Derparnieux

Runescape Account Security

With the beta and eventual release of Jagex accounts and the Jagex Launcher. Now is a good time to discuss account security as well as some of the flaws of the current system in place. I originally was going to write out all of the things Jagex can change on their end to fix things but I wanted to offer some actionable changes that you can do to protect yourself, regardless of what Jagex does or doesn’t implement.

The Current Flaws

Password Case-Insensitivity

This is something brought up a lot, including by me. It’s an issue, just not for the obvious reasons. Password case-sensitivity, and by extension password complexity, defends against brute-force cracking. Brute-force cracking is trying every combination of a password until it works. This is pretty much never used as an attack vector as websites will shutdown multiple password attempts on an account. However, the real issue is it is a window into how outdated Jagex’s security standards are. Basic industry standard is to have case-sensitivity and Jagex doesn’t have that right now.

The Problem With 2FA

Most people including myself use Runescape's Two-Factor Authentication(2FA). Essentially the code is the result of a functionally irreversible math problem. The lifetime of 2FA Code is how long a 2FA code lasts before a new one is calculated and presented in your 2FA app of choice, mine and most people's being Google's 2FA. Google calculates a new auth code every minute; however, Runescape accepts a code for longer. In my testing, I determined that Runescape will accept a code up until the end of the 3rd cycle. That is the initial calculation of the code plus 2 more generations after. Meaning that at any given point, there are 3 valid authentication codes that the Runescape authentication server will accept.

Additionally, I also tested if newer codes will invalidate older codes. First, I wrote the current active code down, waited until a new one generated, and then used the new code to authenticate my login. Then, I quickly hopped into the game and put the older code in as my bank pin authentication and it still worked.

Consequences of this design choice mainly affect victims in phishing scams. For example, if you enter a valid auth code into a phishing site and then quickly realize the mistake, and log into your account with a newly generated code, the code you gave the attacker will still be valid for another two minutes.

Now, code lifetime is a tricky choice for developers. One cycle is too short as a user may enter a code right before the end of the cycle and it would reject it by the time the user hits enter. Two cycles is likely the optimal length for a code lifetime but three isn’t egregious. In a typical scenario, an attacker would have access to at most one code at any time so realistically having multiple codes accepted isn’t too much of a security risk. However, in my opinion, a new code should invalidate all older codes to help victims of phishing lock out other codes as the victim will always have the most up-to-date auth code.

The Launcher and Jagex Accounts

With the launcher, Jagex is releasing their version of a master account called a “Jagex Account.” A Jagex account is an account with Jagex(as opposed to Runescape). It has a case-sensitive password and is via email only(as opposed to a username for us old-timers). When used with the Jagex launcher, you can first login to your Jagex account and then you can log into your Runescape accounts to link them to your Jagex account. For those with multiple accounts, this will let you quickly switch between game accounts within the launcher without having to relog every time you want to switch.

For our RS3 friends, that is the main change. For our OSRS friends, some launcher favoritism was had. The Runelite Client is now built into the Jagex launcher. However, once you create and link your game account to your Jagex account, you will only be able to use the Jagex Launcher. You will no longer be able to login to the standalone Runelite Launcher, HDOS, nor OSBuddy. There is currently an assumption that HDOS and OSBuddy will eventually be added to the Launcher as they’re both Jagex Approved 3rd Party Clients. However, I am not currently aware if that is confirmed by Jagex.

Account Security Recommendations

General Recommendations

First, I want to offer some general account security advice that you can apply to any account, not just Runescape.

  1. Use a password manager. The one I’ve used for years is called LastPass. I originally had a write-up of how good this is, even despite the last data breach they had due to good security practices. Upon researching the breach, LastPass did many shady things with their disclosure and lying about using some best practices. As such, not only am I recinding my recommendation, I am issuing a warning to stay away from LastPass and their products. I will be moving all of my sensitive material to BitWarden, and open source password manager that comes with a wonderful community of security-focused people to help with any issues you may have. A close second, but almost as good, is 1Password. Maintains a very similiar security track record and standards. Both have my recommendation behind them.
  2. Use different passwords for every account. Part of the reason I placed a password manager first is because it makes this easier. The less you need to remember, the more complex your passwords can be.
  3. that maintains a database of every leaked username, email, password, and phone number they can; they currently have 12.4 billion accounts on record. I recommend putting your email into that and seeing which sites have been breached. I have automatic notifications setup through Firefox for all of my emails, checked via the site.

Runescape Recommendations

As I stated prior, most account breaches come from phishing. The other main vector is non-Jagex accounts breaches. A number of Runescape fansites have been breached in the past. If you used the same email/password or attached your Runescape username/email to it, that’s another point of vulnerability. Here are some things you can do to keep your Runescape account safe:

  1. Assume those trying to hijack accounts know the account recovery system better than Jagex themselves. Any piece of identifying data: location, name on credit card, account age, join date, date of birth all can be used in combination to have Jagex just hand your account over.
  2. Once it is out of beta or when you feel comfortable, switch over to a Jagex account. When creating that password, follow the general recommendations above to make sure it is extra safe.
  3. Do not use 2FA as your bank pin. A Runescape bank pin cannot be brute forced and locks out and notifies Jagex if someone tries. Due to the fact 2FA codes are not one-time use, if they get a hold of a valid code, they can authenticate on your account and then quickly go to a bank and use the same code again. If you have a bank pin, that can never happen.

Article by RuneDragon