Draziw | |
Clan Quest | |
Positions | |
Guilds | |
Joined Clan | November 9th, 2009 |
Gaming Info | |
RuneScape Username |
Draziw |
Xbox Live Username |
Grandpa.Draziw |
Steam Username |
grandpadraziw |
Personal Info | |
Name | Gregory |
Age | |
Sex | Male |
Occupation | Rainmaker, Dragon Slayer, Nice Guy |
Location | Akron, Ohio |
Signatures | |
![]() | |
Editor Status | |
I have edited on this wiki for: September 03 2017 00:00 UTC This user has a sandbox here |
Draziw (aka Draz or Boon) is one of the founders of Clan Quest and a current Clan Councilor. He served as the Runescape Guild's Head of High Council at the clan's founding in November of 2009. He would resign the position in February of 2010, only to resume the position in September of 2010 where he would stay until October 2013. Making him the the longest reigning Head of High Council. Throughout his involvement within that guild, and the clan, Draziw has maintained a strong public image, being one of the clan's most visible and influential members.
Draziw's long tenure within RuneScape, his involvement with various organizations and key players, and remarkable personal wealth in game have allowed him to have a notable amount of influence throughout aspects of the Runescape community.
While real life obligations have often diminished Draz's ability to play with frequency, he has always remained active and available throughout the clan's other mediums, most notably the clan's offsite: clanquest.org. His constant activity within the clan's operational structure, and ability to involve others into his "schemes", has ensured Clan Quest's success over the years. Serving as one the the main benefactors for the community Draziw has helped to build, organize, and maintain the various Clan Quest services offered to its members.
- 1 Origin of Name
- 2 Philosophy of Governing
- 3 Clan Meetups
- 4 Runescape Carreer
- 4.1 Religious Affiliation
- 4.2 Clan Career
- 4.2.1 2001
- 4.2.2 2002-2003
- 4.2.3 2004-2005
- 4.2.4 "The Flaming Angels"
- 4.2.5 2005-2008 "The W66ers"
- 4.2.6 2008 "The Prods"
- 4.2.7 2008 "The Church of Saradomin" & "The Knights of the Abyss"
- 4.2.8 2008-2009 The Runescape Tribune
- 4.2.9 2009 The Quest Helpers
- 4.2.10 2009-Present The Questing Clan of Runescape "Clan Quest"
- 5 The No-99 Policy
- 6 Manipulating SEO
Origin of Name
Draziw, commonly shortened to Draz, is a creative name derived from reversing the word Wizard. While the majority of players do not instantly differentiate the name's meaning, those who do can understand Draziw's primary nick name, Boon. Intended as a term of endearment, Draz's friends and clan mates frequently use terms associated with "Boon" & "Noob" when describing Draziw, and his consistent appreciation for less experienced players and continued affirmation of his "noobness" has earned him a fond reputation befitting of the nickname's true english meaning.
"Dictionary.com" wrote:
BOON: noun: Something to be thankful for; blessing; benefit.
While his real life name is Gregory, he often goes by the nickname "Grandpa" in real life, and this has rendered him to take the gamertag GrandpaDraziw.
Philosophy of Governing
Draziw has historically supported empowerment of anyone showing initiative. As a founder and key leader within the Clan, his efforts to distribute the authority to anyone displaying potential could arguably be presented as the reason for Clan Quest's success over the years. While often articulating with vehemence his stance that everyone has something to contribute, he also has taken an active role to limit actual operation of his guild and the clan to those required to efficiently get necessary work completed. He was quoted on the Runescape Clans Wiki as saying:
"Governments are non-tangible. They cannot be touched or seen. The only evidence of a government's existence is its recognition from its citizens. The consequence of this realization, is that a government cannot be a government unless its followers believe it is. Who then is more important, a government or its citizens?The simple fact of the matter is, if I, The Draziw, lead a clan- I can only act as a leader with as much authority as my followers allow. If I act in a manner that my fellow clansmen would disagree with, then I will have no authority. And no followers.
Leadership, Government, Clan Operation- these are simply the acts of taking the demands of the members, and fulfilling the demands as best as possible. When you lead, you are given responsibility to help do what others ask you to do. So in a true government, the leaders are the followers, not the other way around.
Clans exist because the members retain membership, and leaders lead, only if they follow the needs of their members. A successful clan is one that gives what its members need, and a successful leader is someone who realizes that there is no clan without its members." wrote: -The Draziw
His opinion of leadership through service has been embodied in clan's basic culture. All leaders within the clan do so voluntarily, and Draziw constantly pushes to make
Clan Meetups
Draziw has met a whole bunch of fellow clan members in the real world! Some of the pictures of those meet ups are found here. Draziw also attended RuneFest 2015, RuneFest 2016, and RuneFest 2017.
Draz with Alex 43
Draz with Protoman
Draz with Sethron 666
Draz with Vodka B and Miss Alaska
Draz with Tyco Elf
Draz with Symun and Vodka B
Draz with Kitty
Runescape Carreer
Through out The Draziw's long runescape career he has had significant contributions to various communities. He has functioned as a founder for multiple successful clans and guilds, many of those having been featured on the Main Page of Runescape.com, is a player moderator (not that this is an achievement), hosted Quest Fest, operated as chief editor for the Runescape Tribune, and is a successful Event Thug.
Religious Affiliation
Draziw has displayed a long standing love for Brassica Prime and has even been affiliated with its followers in many aspects, including being involved with the founding of the Church of Brassica Prime.
Clan Career
Draziw has a long history of involvement and leadership within the clan community.
Draziw joined Runescape in 001 after being introduced to the game by a friend in real life. Playing the game with a group of ~10 friends in the real world, Draz participated in the initial phases of Runescape Classic, playing during the era of worldwide PvP, completing Shield of Arrav without a partner (yes it was possible) and training skills in the archaic game play of Classic. Given the lack of "user-friendliness" in the initial game design most of Draziw's Real-World-Friends became inactive but Draziw continued to play, deciding to extend towards the game community.
Motivated by the increasing decline of Real-World-Friend participation, The Draziw sought out an organized community within the game. Gaming Clans had existed in the Beta of Runescape, and existed throughout all of Draziw's participation in the game. He decided to join a newer community "Ganja Rech" Where he spent the next year Pking, skilling, and playing the game with an organized community dedicated to providing clan services both in-game and in external areas.
Ganja Rech was a nice community, but limited to IRC and a basic free offsite. Given the quantity and quality of time spent in game, Draz began looking for a community that had a more advanced infrastructure in place. Draziw's first choice was to join The Sabers, a clan that had existed since Runescape's creation. Draziw found the community in The Sabers lacking, and so joined another long established clan, Organized Entropy, two weeks later.
Organized Entropy was Draziw's first experience with a "Clan Company." Prior to the establishment of the Grand Exchange, obtaining food, armor, and supplies required a significant amount of time, and often resulted in a loss of profit. With no standardized values for goods, a player would often pay 100gp for coal on day one, 150gp on day two, and 130gp on day three. This variability made prediction and planning difficult AND severely slowed down training time. Organized entropy functioned as a system for skillers, merchants, and killers. When any item was obtained, it would be listed via the Clan's offsite, and functioning like Ebay, the item could be sold easily.
The offsite, community, events, and company system of the clan worked well, and Draziw participated for nearly 15 months into mid 2004.
In April of 2004 Organized Entropy was closed by its leadership. Draziw joined a multitude of clans (Mostly PK Clans) and was a member with Cupid's Arrows, Paladins of Rage, and [The Followers of] Forgotten Lores. Draziw would spend a day or a week with different clans, of various types- only to observe the better parts of every community. It was during this time Draziw had his first interactions with Lore Communities, and fell in love with playing quests.
Using his observations, in June 2005, Draziw formed his first clan "The Flaming Angels".
"The Flaming Angels"
The Flaming Angels were founded June 13th, 2005. They closed June 16th 2005! (lol) The clan was formed as a Player Killing Clan for use in the wilderness. When it was founded it had 10 founders, and none of them could agree on the best way to organize the clan and play the game as a group.
When the Flaming Angels failed as miserably as it did, Draziw quit playing with clans for a short time. He went off to world 66 and ran lawrunes with a few players from the disbanded Organized Entropy. When a Clan War competition was announced in the clan community, the scattered remnants of OE gathered under the name "The W66ers".
2005-2008 "The W66ers"
The Clan War competition was a disorganized event intended to show that Jagex supported the various player communities that had evolved within the game. When the Cup occurred in November 2005, there were no in-game friend chats (so clans had to use IRC). There was no Clan Cloak, or PVP capes to help differentiate between clans, it was chaos. When the call to arms was made, The W66ers, or "66ers" decided to show up and cause problems. Because of the extreme money made in Organized Entropy, the key players of OE that now comprised the majority of 66ers were very wealthy, and also very high level. This was important because most players had not complete Desert Treasure when the competitionp began, and the players of The W66ers had. They crushed all the other clans.
After that, the W66ers were well known in the community as combat experts and an organized clan. Draziw participated in the 66ers, and learned a lot about clan government. The 66ers were a democratic clan, with leaders being elected once every 3 months. Draziw was voted to "Vice-President" and held that office off and on throughout the clan's existence.
To give an explanation of the influence the W66ers had in the runescape community, when the Wilderness removal update was made and PVP was removed from the game, the riot happened on w66, because that was the home of the strongest and most famous PK clan at the time.
Draziw stayed with the clan from its founding until it closed in February of 2008. After a long period of success, it became apparent to the core of The W66ers that the clan's success had caused many players to join the clan who weren't 66ers material. So the core disbanded the clan and moved on to another endeavor. Because PVP had recently been removed from the game, the core membership of OE & 66er decided to try reverting to the old clan structure of OE and began market manipulation communities. In a subtle attempt at humor, the new clan took the name "The Prods" as a slight at the PKers Pures (called prods) who could no longer PK in the game.
2008 "The Prods"
Draziw Co-Founded the prods in February of 2008 with members from the W66ers and began working on a market manipulation clan that could effect the dynamics of the daily operations of the Grand Exchange (a semi-recently added feature into the game). The prods were a non-exclusive clan, so many members participated in multiple clans while playing with the Prods. A few split off groups formed including well known groups like: Smoking Mils, Merch Hard, and GPKings.
In June of 2008, the Prods posted a video online of 1000 white Phats being high alched "for the lulz" as a display of the Prod's success in market control.
In August of 2008 Draziw resigned as an officer from the Prods, and while maintaining a semi-active role as a member with the clan, moved on to participate in a few other community endeavors.
2008 "The Church of Saradomin" & "The Knights of the Abyss"
While still participating as a Prod, Draziw joined The Church of Saradomin, his first true clan experience with a "community clan." CoS had no real in-game requirements, and the community was comprised solely of individuals who liked "pretending to be zealots" and playing the game together with like minded players. After playing with the community for a while, Draz moved on to find other communities.
Shortly after participating in the Church of Saradomin, Draziw moved on to PvM clan- The Knights of the Abyss. The Knights of the Abyss was... AWESOME! So much so that Draziw has retained frequent communication with the Knights of the Abyss ever since joining their ranks back in 2008. After playing with KOTA for a while, Draziw decided to take a break from the clan community and was eventually swept from KOTA's roster due to inactivity. KOTA and Clan Quest are now formal allies.
2008-2009 The Runescape Tribune
After many years of non-stop participation in the clan community of Runescape, Draziw decided to try a different type of organized activity on the Runescape official forums. He organized the Runescape Tribune, a community run newspaper that discussed community events, game updates, and community news.
The Tribune operated from October 2008- April 2009 with Draziw as the chief editor. Draziw resigned as chief editor to help with a new clan project in April 2009. Draziw remained as a contributor of the tribune until its eventual close during the RSOF Reshuffle of April 2010.
2009 The Quest Helpers
In April, 2009 Draziw was asked to found a split-off group of the Prods. The prods (Who had since changed their name to "The Kacklers" were formally disbanded and reopened under three names: QuestHelpers, KillerElites, and Prods.
QuestHelpers- A Community Clan
KillerElites- A PVP & PVM Clan
Prods- A GE Manipulation Clan
Draziw formed QuestHelpers with Soiled Dove, the founder of The W66ers, as a community and quest appreciation clan. Unfortunately, after maxing, Soiled Dove became inactive and the QuestHelpers became disorganized and disfunctional by September of 2009.
2009-Present The Questing Clan of Runescape "Clan Quest"
Draziw closed QuestHelpers and opened Clan Quest in November of 2009. With the help of cofounders Sethron 666 and Kappathegray, the clan opened without much difficulty. The clan has been extremely successful, being featured on the main page of runescape.com multiple times, having Jmods as registered clan members, organizing jagex supported events, and even having their clan site recognized as an official jagex fansite. As Draziw's history within Clan Quest is rather extensive, it hasn't been listed in full detail here.
The No-99 Policy
Draziw has not obtained a 99 in any skill, and could be argued to be opposed them. Crazy, right?
Manipulating SEO
Greg is running for U.S. House of Representatives. To affect SEO, the campaign website is linked here. Visit greg4ohio.com