Xurdones | |
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Clan Quest | |
Positions | |
Guilds | |
Joined Clan | June 26, 2020 |
Gaming Info | |
Runescape Username Join Date Quest Points |
Xurdones September, 2004 450 |
Personal Info | |
Age | 31 |
Sex | Male |
Occupation | Software Developer |
Location | Ontario, Canada |
Signatures | |
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Xurdones is a current member of Clan Quest. He joined the clan on June 26th, 2020[1], and is currently a member of the Questing Clan of RuneScape Guild Council, Questing Clan of RuneScape Honour Council, and Server Moderators. He is also the Editor-in-Chief of Questaholic.
- 1 Runescape History
- 2 Clan Quest History
- 3 The Name
- 4 References
Runescape History
Early History
Xurdones' RuneScape journey began in mid-2004 (the exact date has been lost to history). One of his school friends was playing it, and encouraged their entire group to try it out. Xurdones - not yet going by that name - did, and was immediately enamoured by the game. Unfortunately he couldn't figure out what to do once leaving Tutorial Island, so he created another account to do the tutorial again. And again, and again. The names of these early accounts have also been lost to history.
Finally, the account named Xurdones was created, and it was this account, with the assistance of another schoolfriend who had progressed quite a bit further, that began journeying beyond Tutorial Island. From the very beginning, Xurdones loved quests: they were, to him, the only content worth exploring, and he never trained his skills very far, unless it was to meet a quest requirement. Consequently, his skills were very low.
Initially restricting his journey to the free lands, Xurdones became a paying member in approximately 2006. He quickly set about completing the new quests that had opened up to him, and it was around this time that he became aware of the Quest Point Cape. Acquiring that cape quickly became his primary motivation, but unfortunately many quests were beyond his skills at that time, so achieving the goal seemed unlikely at best.
With the pool of eligible quests dwindled to nothing, and the prospect of grinding up to the remaining requirements losing its lustre, Xurdones slowly abandoned the game around 2008.
The First Return
Xurdones was drawn back into the game in late 2010 by a new friend, Ice Wolf. Though they spent little time together in-game, since Ice Wolf was maxed and Xurdones was very much not maxed, two years worth of new content enticed him back into training and questing. Although the release of Nomad's Requiem made the goal of a Quest Point Cape seem less attainable than ever, he enjoyed the new quests that had been released during his absence, and those older quests he was now able to complete with his higher levels.
He would remain a semi-active player until 2013, and the release of The World Wakes. Xurdones had never quite gotten the hang of the new combat system, which had been added to the game in 2012, but for his purposes at the time it hadn't been necessary to learn it. However, attempting The World Wakes proved to stretch his limited knowledge of boss mechanics to its breaking point, and he gave up after dying for the third time to the Automaton's special attack. Disillusioned, and feeling like the game had left him behind, his activity dwindled again and he soon stopped playing once again.
The Second Return
Many times over the years, Xurdones would feel the urge to return to Runescape and see what had happened in it. He resisted those urges until December 2019, when curiosity finally got the better of him and he logged back in. Finding the game world less populated than he remembered, but much prettier, he was soon sucked back in. Finding skill training to be easier now, whether due to the game itself being easier or due to his own growing experience with video games he didn't know, he once again set his sights on the elusive Quest Point Cape, and attempted some quests that he had previously thought beyond his reach.
Quest Point Cape Achieved
Nomad, the Pest and Dagannoth Queens, the assault on Guthix in The World Wakes; all were easily bested by a Xurdones with greater skills and a far greater understanding of combat mechanics (the introduction of Revolution mode in his absence helped tremendously as well). Finally, only three quests remained between him and his goal: Nomad's Elegy, Sliske's Endgame and Curse of the Black Stone.
Elegy proved not to be as difficult as he had feared, until the third phase of the final battle against Nomad, in which two Nomads are spawned simultaneously, and both must be killed. At that time Xurdones' knowledge of PVM mechanics was still rudimentary, and the challenge once more felt impossible. Fortunately, an item had been introduced to ease these challenges: the Deathtouched Dart. Desperate, Xurdones waited for the Travelling Merchant to get them in stock, and used one to bypass this phase of the battle.
Endgame was hard-fought, but with the assistance of a guide on the Runescape subreddit[2], he killed Sliske in only three attempts.
That left only Curse of the Black Stone, which required completion of the three Elite Dungeons. The task seemed impossible, but bolstered by his past successes Xurdones pressed on. Over the course of weeks, he slowly chipped away at the dungeons on story mode, until all that remained was the final battle with the Ambassador. After reading about his mechanics on the official wiki, as well as watching some Youtube guides, Xurdones decided "fuck this noise." Fortunately a promotion was being run on Treasure Hunter that awarded Deathtouched darts, so with a bit of luck (and purchasing some additional keys with Oddments), he acquired one and used it to destroy the Ambassador, completing the quest.
At long last, in March 2020, Xurdones had completed his childhood goal: become the owner of the Quest Point Cape. Understanding that not having a goal would cause him to eventually lose interest in the game once again, he refocused on a new target: the Master Quest Cape. This would prove an even greater challenge than the Quest Point Cape had been.
Joining Clan Quest
On June 25th, 2020, Runescape began what was meant to be a general Q&A livestream on its Twitch account. Because of scheduling conflicts, that topic was abandoned and replaced with an introduction to the newest member of the Runescape Community Management team, Mod Hooli. At one point in the Twitch Chat, Idiotonastic and Santa Ends began asking Mod Hooli, who had expressed a love of Runescape's quests, if he would be interested in joining the Questing Clan of Runescape, or Clan Quest.
Xurdones was watching this stream, and had been contemplating clans for a few weeks. The game had become far less sociable than he remembered from childhood, and the prospect of playing with friends again had some appeal. After skimming the clan's official website, Xurdones was convinced, and submitted an application thread. It was soon accepted, and Questcaping formally added Xurdones to Clan Quest.
In July 2020[3], out of a desire to re-experience the quests he hadn't played in over a decade, and to experience the story in a more proper order, Xurdones created his questing alt, Xurdtwos. Xurdtwos, or "Twoie" as she would sometimes be called on account of it being easier to type, would continue to quest sporadically alongside Xurdones' training for the Master Quest Cape.
Mastery of Quests and Skills
After over a year of grinding skills and killing bosses and monsters for rare drops, on June 21st 2021 Xurdones finally achieved his second long-term goal: the Master Quest Cape[4]. The final requirement was the City of Senntisten quest, which had been released that day, and which was being streamed by Questcaping for the Clan Quest Twitch Channel. Purchasing the cape on-stream was something of a happy accident, since he had completed the last other requirement the day before, about twelve hours before the quest was released.
That accomplishment complete, he turned his attention towards maxing, something he'd been putting off until the MQC grind was complete. Only three skills, Divination, Hunter, and Agility, remained between him and the elusive Max cape. Divination and Hunter fell rather easily, but Agility proved more of a chore. But not an insurmountable one, and on July 6 2021, welcomed by Derparnieux, Xurdones finally entered the Max Guild for the first time.
After maxing, Xurdones turned his attention to the next logical goal: the Completionist Cape. Luckily, because the Completionist and Master Quest Capes shared many of the same requirements, this would be an easier task than the others. Predictably, the limiting factor was reaching level 120 Herblore, but after getting the Herblore skilling pet and resolving to dump every bit of non-pet-granting experience sources into the skill, Xurdones achieved both 120 Herblore and the Completionist cape on the same day: December 10th, 2021[5]
On April 28, 2023, Xurdones purchased the Trimmed Completionist cape for the first time[6]
Fresh Start and Xurdfours
In September 2022, Xurdones decided to participate in the upcoming "Fresh Start Worlds temporary game mode, with the goal of achieving yet another Quest Point Cape - this time with inverted colours. Creating yet another alt account, this one named Xurdfours, the race began on September 26, 2022, with the launch of the game mode.
Along the way, Xurdfours became a founding member of the FSW clan "Fresh Quest", started by Shane as a way to centralize in-game communications for participating members of both the Clan Quest and RSBandB communities.
Though he missed the World First by almost a month, with the completion of Pieces of Hate Xurdfours became the first member of Clan Quest to obtain an Inverted Quest Point Cape on November 11.
RuneScape Milestones
Capes of Accomplishment
Cape of Accomplishment | Date Achieved |
Quest Points | March 2020 |
Farming | September 9, 2020 |
Mining | October 18, 2020 |
Smithing | October 25, 2020 |
Crafting | November 6, 2020 |
Archaeology | December 2, 2020 |
Invention | December 7, 2020 |
Dungeoneering | December 9, 2020 |
Slayer | December 23, 2020 |
Constitution | December 25, 2020 |
Defence | February 9, 2021 |
Runecrafting | February 13, 2021 |
Fishing | February 14, 2021 |
Thieving | February 18, 2021 |
Herblore | February 19, 2021 |
Fletching | February 19, 2021 |
Summoning | February 19, 2021 |
Cooking | February 19, 2021 |
Attack | February 19, 2021 |
Construction | February 21, 2021 |
Strength | February 23, 2021 |
Firemaking | February 24, 2021 |
Ranged | March 22, 2021 |
Magic | March 26, 2021 |
Woodcutting | April 29, 2021 |
Prayer | June 3, 2021 |
Divination | June 22, 2021 |
Hunter | June 29, 2021 |
Agility | July 6, 2021 |
Inverted Quest Points | November 11, 2022 |
Necromancy | August 17, 2023 |
Master Capes of Accomplishment
Master Cape | Date Achieved |
Invention | April 11, 2021 |
Archaeology | April 29, 2021 |
Farming | June 14, 2021 |
Master Quest Cape | June 21, 2021 |
Dungeoneering | August 12, 2021 |
Slayer | October 6, 2021 |
Herblore | December 10, 2021 |
Magic | December 27, 2022 |
Constitution | April 19, 2023 |
Ranged | May 24, 2023 |
Necromancy | February 12, 2024 |
Skilling Pets
Pet Name | Skill | Date | XP |
Rocky | Mining | May-June 2020 | ~5m |
Smithy | Smithing | August 7-17, 2020 | 5.3m |
Brains | Farming | August 25, 2020 | 7.5m |
Archie | Archaeology | August 27, 2020 | 2.6m |
Ramsay | Cooking | September 21, 2020 | 6.9m |
Sifu | Attack | September 30, 2020 | 5.5m |
Gemi | Crafting | October 21, 2020 | 11.4m |
Malcolm | Invention | October 25, 2020 | 21m |
Morty | Constitution | December 23, 2020 | 11.7m |
Wallace | Defence | February 9, 2021 | 12.9m |
Bubbles | Fishing | February 12, 2021 | 12.1m |
Kangali | Strength | February 21, 2021 | 10.9m |
Woody | Woodcutting | February 25, 2021 | 9.5m |
Sparky | Ranged | March 27, 2021 | 13.2m |
Rue | Runecrafting | June 3, 2021 | 14.7m |
Ace | Hunter | June 27, 2021 | 10.8m |
Crabbe | Slayer | July 24, 2021 | 55.3m |
Baby Yaga's House | Construction | September 12, 2021 | 18.9m |
Newton | Magic | October 1, 2021 | 60.5m |
Herbert | Herblore | November 8, 2021 | 54.8m |
Gordie | Dungeoneering | November 17, 2021 | 107m |
Ralph | Thieving | January 4, 2022 | 28.4m |
Willow | Divination | December 20, 2022 | 29.4m |
Omen | Necromancy | August 28, 2023 | 42.6m |
Flo | Fletching | March 18, 2024 | 44.2m |
Shamini | Summoning | October 16, 2024 | 61.4m |
Boss Pets
Pet Name | Boss | Date | KC |
Vindiddy | Vindicta | June 2, 2021 | 52 |
King Black Dragonling | KBD | September 21, 2021 | 137 |
Rawrvek | Vindicta | April 7, 2023 | 321 |
Queen Black Dragonling | QBD | April 25, 2023 | 200 |
Kalphite Grublet | Kalphite Queen | April 12, 2024 | 907 |
Supreme Hatchling | Dagannoth Supreme | August 3, 2024 | 3490 |
Rex Hatchling | Dagannoth Rex | August 3, 2024 | 3985 |
Prime Hatchling | Dagannoth Prime | August 7, 2024 | 7795 |
Ellie | Chaos Elemental | August 8, 2024 | 589 |
Molly | Giant Mole | August 26, 2024 | 496 (38nm, 458hm) |
Commander Miniana | Commander Zilyana | December 2, 2024 | 2474 (1687nm, 787hm) |
General Awwdor | General Graardor | January 10, 2025 | 3514 (2874nm, 640hm) |
Boss Logs
Boss | Date | Kill Count | Last item |
King Black Dragon | April 5, 2024 | 2159 | Dragon kite ornament kit (or) |
Kalphite Queen | April 12, 2024 | 907 | Kalphite egg (pet item) |
Barrows | July 31, 2024 | 2773 | Linza's hammer |
Dagannoth Kings | August 7, 2024 | 7795 | Dagannoth egg (pet item) |
Chaos Elemental | August 21, 2024 | 591 + 28577 revenants | Morrigan's throwing axe |
Giant Mole | August 26, 2024 | 496 | Rotten fang (pet item) |
Commander Zilyana | December 2, 2024 | 2474 | Auburn lock (pet item) |
General Graardor | January 10, 2025 | 3514 | Decaying tooth (pet item) |
Clan Quest History
Xurdones joined Clan Quest in June 2020[1]. He was featured in the August 2020 issue of Questaholic[7], and began a semi-regular column in September 2020[8].
The Legend of Xurdtwos
In June 2020, not long after joining, Xurdones created his second safekeep[9]. Initially the story of his questing alt, the imaginatively-named "Xurdtwos", the safekeep soon evolved into more of a quest review blog, featuring his thoughts on game design and narrative direction of RuneScape 3's quests. In an effort to make the series accessible to a broader audience, it was gradually moved to the Wiki beginning in February 2021, where it would continue to be sporadically updated.
Questaholic and the Content Coordinators
In July 2020, responding to a plea from then-Editor in Chief Evilphan for help with the magazine, Xurdones joined the Content Editors team[10]. His first assignment was to create a tool to automatically compile and format the "RS3 Achievements" recurring article in Questaholic. Unfortunately, after a poll of Questaholic readers found it to be a less-than-popular feature, the decision was made to discontinue the Achievements section and Xurdones' tool was shelved after only one use.
After Questaholic wound down in November 2020, Xurdones shifted his focus to the group that would soon become the Content Coordinators team, first by assisting in the creation of the first Clan Quest Advent Calendar and later by creating tools to assist Cireon in the creation of the Monthly Digest. He would also continue creating content to be featured in the Digest, including continuing The Legend of Xurdtwos and infrequent installments of his film review column from Questaholic.
Beginning in January 2021, Xurdones became an occasional presence on the Clan Quest Twitch Channel, where he appears in release day streams of Runescape 3 content, hosted by Questcaping, and on rare occasions serves as back-up host.
However, Xurdones continued to work on the Magazine under its new (old) Editor-in-Chief, Choto 3000, primarily by bringing the magazine back to the Clan Quest wiki, where it can be enjoyed by a wider audience. He also began a semi-regular column, Xurdones Reviews, in the September 2020 issue, where he reviewed films new (occasionally) and old (mostly).
In February 2022, Choto 3000 approached Xurdones about the prospect of reviving Questaholic, which had been in limbo since Choto himself stepped down as Editor-in-Chief in 2020. Though initially hesitant, wary of falling into the same traps that had plagued the previous run, Xurdones warmed to the idea and agreed. The revival would be announced at the State of the Union meeting later that month.
Clan Leadership
On November 20th, 2020, following a nomination from Shiro_Shana, Xurdones was promoted to the Questing Clan of RuneScape Guild Council, where he serves to this day.
After the previous Questing Clan of RuneScape Honour Council was dissolved in January 2022, Miss Alaska nominated Xurdones to replace Cireon as the Head of Honour Council, a nomination he humbly accepted. Though he ultimately lost the election, Darkestnight would ultimately select him as one of her two assistants, alongside Miss Alaska, to form the tenth Honour Council.
On December 31st, 2021, Xurdones was promoted to the Moderators team[11].
In February 2023, Darkestnight moved to dissolve the existing Honour Council. Nominated for a second time, Xurdones would go on to win the ensuing election to become Head of Honour Council, selecting Moesen natha and Spy whoman to form the eleventh Honour Council.
Xurdones began listening to the RSBandB podcast shortly after joining the clan and becoming introduced to it. In October 2021, Shane invited him to help produce a supplemental episode on the future of the then-current Elder God Wars storyline. After participating in the production and recording of that episode, he would appear as an occasional host in the regular weekly episodes, most often discussing quest/lore and completionist content.
The Name
The name "Xurdones" was chosen by a school friend back in Xurdones' early days of Runescape. He was one of a trio of friends, and one of them had the idea that they should all play together as a sort of D&D adventuring party, one warrior, one ranger, one mage, and he had devised names for their characters. "Xurdones" was one of those names.
How is it pronounced?
As the name is - to the best of anyone's knowledge - a completely made-up word with no real-world usage or meaning, it has no "correct" pronunciation, and it has been pronounced in different ways by different people. Example pronunciations include:
- zur-DOH-nz
- tzur-DOH-nz
- zur-doh-KNEES
- ↑ 1.0 1.1 Re: The RuneScape Guild!
- ↑ Sliske's Endgame boss fight at recommended combat lvl (guide)
- ↑ The Legend of Xurdtwos, not-yet-the World Guardian
- ↑ Xurdones Cheevo Tracker
- ↑ Xurdones Cheevo Tracker
- ↑ Xurdones Cheevo Tracker
- ↑ Questaholic - August 2020
- ↑ Questaholic - September 2020
- ↑ The Legend of Xurdtwos, not-yet-the World Guardian
- ↑ Re: Questaholic Monthly Magazine - JULY 2020 - Discussion
- ↑ https://discord.com/channels/132427319246585856/367092181506326531/1058822524667953243