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Featured Article (History)
March 2018
This page was so awesome, it had to be featured on the main page!
CQ Official Logo - Shield.png

We the members of “Clan Quest”- in order to form a “more perfect” organization, establish order and clarity, ensure our community’s tranquility, promote camaraderie among our membership, provide for the common defense and betterment, to support each other, secure any and all of the blessings that we as ordinary people might seek, and for any other purpose that we as members agree upon- do ordain and establish this Constitution for The Questing Clan.

This Constitution shall serve as our legal guide for Governmental Policies for The Questing Clan. With its submission and ratification, this Constitution shall supersede all previous formal writings and serve as the primary text and legal authority for the operation and governance of the Gaming Organization known colloquially as Clan Quest, its subsections, and all affiliated entities. All our members shall be bound to this Constitution until such time as they choose to leave The Questing Clan.


ARTICLE I - Organization Name and Pseudonyms

The name of our organization shall be formally The Questing Clan, and shall throughout this Constitution also be recognized as “The QC”, “Clan Quest”, “The Organization”, or “The Clan”.

Our organization may be known by any other common association to the brand not specifically outlined herein. Clan Quest shall have multiple subsections which focus on specific interests, and it shall be considered expected, that these subgroups may adjust their identification in such manner to better illustrate those interests. An example being “The Questing Clan of Runescape”. These various subgroups shall be referenced herein individually as a “Guild” and collectively as “Guilds”.

ARTICLE II - Membership

SECTION I - Requirements

  1. For someone to join Clan Quest they must apply through means outlined by the Clan Council. To be accepted into a Guild, that member must meet the membership requirements of the Guild and be accepted by a member of the Guild’s Council.
  2. All members should actively participate within the organization, properly represent the Clan in all activities- sanctioned or not, maintain a serious mind frame, demonstrate a desire to improve one’s skills and help other members to do likewise, and seek to recruit for Clan Quest.
  3. The Clan Council and a Guild’s Council shall reserve the right to deny applicants membership. Membership within a Guild does not grant reciprocating admission to another Guild without admission from each Guilds’ Council.

SECTION II - Privileges

Members shall be due certain rights and privileges within the clan including: equal vote on issues placed before the Membership-At-Large, the option to run for officer positions, to address oneself as a member, as well as to request assistance for anything deemed acceptable by the Membership-At-Large.


  1. Ranking of members shall be outlined herein and by policy determined by the Clan Council.
  2. A Guilds’ ranks shall be managed by each Guild’s Council and should be consistent with the standards present in the Clan.
  3. A member’s ranking within the clan shall be considered their rank and shall hold paramount across all clan platforms, but shall not have mandatory reciprocation across all Guilds.

SECTION IV - Adherence to Rules

All members shall be bound to the rules of the organization. Failure to adhere to such rules may result in punishment or removal from the Clan. As each Guild may have their own set of rules beyond those outlined herein, punishment for rule breaking shall be managed by that Guild’s officers.

SECTION V - Removal from Clan or Guilds

  1. To be removed from the Clan, a member must be impeached by an Honor Council, and then removed by the Clan Council.
  2. To be removed from a Guild, a member must be impeached by an Honor Council, and then removed by the Guild Council.
  3. A member may be removed from a Guild or Clan if at least two attempts for contact are made, recorded, and failure to respond is made, within a ten day period.
  4. A member may leave a Guild of their own volition.

ARTICLE III - Organization Structure

SECTION I - Membership-At-Large and its Government

  1. The Clan organization shall comprise the “Membership-At-Large” and the “Government”.
  2. The Clan Quest Membership-At-Large describes the organization, all of its members, and all Guilds. The Membership-At-Large is the entire Clan, including all governing persons and non-governing persons.
  3. The Clan Government is the body of actors who govern the organization, and is composed of members from the Membership At-Large.

SECTION II - Determination & Public Presentation

  1. It is expected that Clan Quest and any Guilds will determine the specifics for the organization, including but not limited to: Servers, Logos, Communication Channels, Uniforms, Clan Colors, etc.
  2. This information will be displayed in public to allow the Membership-At-Large to be informed. This shall not be changed without formal notification from the clan government or with unnecessary frequency.

SECTION III - Organization Branding

The Clan Council shall maintain a professional brand which shall be used to keep a positive image of Clan Quest to outsiders, with hopes of making all members of the clan proud.

SECTION IV - Organization Infrastructure


  1. The website “clanquest.org” shall be maintained by the Clan Council.
  2. All reasonable accommodation shall be made within the website for each Guild.
  3. While the Clan Council shall have final authority on the website’s design and use, each Guild shall be given authority to adjust their portion of the website where possible.

SUBSECTION II - Text and Voice Chat Communication

  1. The clan shall maintain a service of text and voice communication.
  2. Guild(s) shall be afforded their own channel(s) for communication as requested.

SUBSECTION III - Other Mediums of Communication

  1. Clan Quest shall maintain one active account with the various social media systems, which shall serve as our official channel for communication in that venue. Guilds may have alternate accounts, but shall not be considered official, and it is requested that any member of Clan Quest looking to utilize a social media account for Clan Quest business, contact the Clan Council to have such communication disseminated as needed.
  2. Any other mediums of communication, such as email or post, may be officially managed by the Clan Council, but shall not be otherwise mentioned herein.
  3. When in question, the authority of communication shall be afforded to the Clan Council to distribute such authority and privileges as necessary.

SECTION V - Finances

SUBSECTION I - Voluntary Contributions

  1. The Clan Council shall hold the right to receive voluntary contributions for money donated by members to assist in covering operational expenses.
  2. At no point may voluntary contributions be kept for personal use by an officer of Clan Quest, nor used to pay possible salaries, or otherwise spent in any manner other than the coverage of reasonable expenses incurred while providing the clan’s infrastructure.
  3. A full accounting of volunteer funds will be made public, once per month.
  4. Theft or abuse of our clan’s monies is grounds for immediate removal of membership and potential legal action.

SUBSECTION II - Revenue Income

  1. The Clan Council shall be authorized to produce income for Clan Quest by selling branded merchandise, procuring revenue through advertisement, or any other legal means. This income may be used by the Clan Council as they see fit.
  2. If a Guild wishes to procure income for themselves, that Guild must coordinate with the Clan Council on the management of such funds to maintain compliance with Clan Policy, and all legalities and tax implications. An accounting of income received by the Clan Council for this may be requested of the Clan Council on a weekly basis by the guild council and shall be provided within 48 hours. Monies held by the Guild Council should be transferred to the Clan Council, but may be retained assuming a full accounting is available upon request from a Clan Councilor.
  3. Revenue income procured shall be distributed by the Clan Council as deemed appropriate.
  4. Members may receive money from Clan Quest at the Clan Council’s discretion, but are not entitled to a portion of Clan Quest Income strictly because of membership.
  5. Theft or abuse of our clan’s monies is grounds for immediate removal of membership and potential legal action.

SUBSECTION III - Game Currencies

  1. Because game currencies have real world value, their management shall be monitored and careful accounting shall be maintained. Any Guild shall be given the authority to obtain voluntary donation of game currencies.
  2. Regular accounting of a Guild’s ingame resources shall be reported to the Clan Council and managed by the Guild’s officers.
  3. Theft or abuse of our clan’s or a Guild’s monies is grounds for immediate removal of membership and potential legal action.

ARTICLE IV - Clan Rules

SECTION I - Various Standards of Member Conduct

The “Revised Code” and the “Canon of Ethics” outline the expected conduct between our members. The Revised code shall serve as the article for which a Guild Councilor or Clan Councilor may enact their authority to reprimand or punish. The Canon of Ethics shall serve as the article for which an Honor Councilor may enact their Judicial authority to impeach.

A Guild may create its own rules that serve as authority for that guild, so long as the rules are publicly posted and not acted upon retroactively. These Guild rules shall hold equal weight as the Revised Code and Canon of Ethics, though cannot supersede them. The Guild’s Rules shall be held pertinent to that Guild with the Clan Council or any review by the Guild’s Council and Honor Councils.

SECTION II - The Questing Clan Revised Code

The host’s rules apply for any game we play

First and foremost of the Clan Rules is the fact that all rules apply for the games we may play in. Serious disregard of a game’s rules will be treated at the discretion of the witnessing officer.

While we hope that minor infractions can be kept to ourselves, serious offenses should be reported to the host company by all witnessing members.

No Insulting or Offensive Behavior

Our clan is designed to function as a community, and as such, should not be filled with negativity or antagonism.

No Spamming

Spamming shall be defined as excessive, unconstructive, or purposefully disruptive messages on a Clan Quest communication channel.

Conflict? Deal with it out of public!

We do not want arguments interfering with our ability to play together. Abusive arguing shall be deemed insulting/offensive behavior. If you have an argument with another member, feel free to ask a member of the Honor Council for help, or deal with it in private.

No inappropriate or offensive usernames. Must notify of any name change

When changing their username, a player should keep in consideration they represent Clan Quest. If a name is deemed inappropriate, the player may be removed from the Clan. Officers hold the discretion to determine the appropriateness of a name. If/when a player changes their name they should post a notice on clanquest.org. Players are asked, but not required to keep their usernames consistent across all Clan Quest services and various Guilds.

Avoid sensitive topics

The clan does not have a specific group of nationality, race, ethnicity, gender, political affiliation, or religion it associates with. It is ok to discuss your opinions or beliefs, but only if you do not become abusive or disruptive in doing so. If asked by an officer to end discussion, please do.

All Clan Members must abide by our Canon of Ethics

This rule pretty much speaks for itself!

Spoilers beware

If you’re going to spoil something, please put up a warning. It’s a common courtesy, and extreme violations of this may be handled at the observing officer’s discretion.

Play Fair. Play Smart. Give it your all.

Because why else play? We do like to play the game as well as we can. Many of us are even completionists- we find every hidden secret, we do every quest, we know all the lore, and usually know the game’s moderators. When you are with fellow clan members, it is expected you do not negatively effect other's performance. If you aren’t interested in playing with 100% effort today, that’s fine, but let us know you’re being casual when playing with each other in a group, so we don’t get frustrated. Noobs need to learn and gain experience too, but they are expected to be there when they’re there.

Be a noob, and be nice to other noobs

Please no noob bashing. In Clan Quest, being called a noob is considered a term of endearment, with many of our members incorporating the word ‘noob’ into their nicknames. Everybody starts out inexperienced, and we encourage our members to learn and grow together. If you’re not an expert, you’re a noob. You’re OUR noob! Since nobody is an expert in everything, we are all noobs!

Rest assured, if you are called a noob you are considered a part of our clan family. We take this very seriously! Feel free to call any of us noobs (as long as you remain polite) and please mind our intentions if you are addressed as a noob.

SECTION III - The Canon of Ethics

Our leaders, and all the members of Clan Quest are expected to conduct themselves ethically toward visitors and each other. Clan Quest prides itself on maintaining ethical behavior as a community. This high standard for dignity and respect keeps us strong.

Following Rules and Having Good Ethics are not the same

A rule is a requirement we must follow. The Revised code is an example, if we don’t abide by them there are tangible consequences. For Clan Quest members, breaking a rule could result in anything from a quick verbal correction to the severity of a permanent ban. Ethics, however, refer to a person’s actions, not their adherence to a rule; you could break a rule, and be acting with high ethics. When we call for higher ethics, we expect a high standard of justice, fairness and respect. We call for compromise, willingness to accept others with different ideas, and the patience to work out difficulties. Ethics aren’t easily “broken.” They might be ignored, but unlike the visible consequences of rule breaking, the results of unethical behaviors are usually felt, not seen: disruption, disrespect, distrust, pain, anger. It is expected that if a rule is made which makes a member act unethically, they will uphold their ethics. It is expected that leaders will look at how they lead, so as to be most ethical.

Ethical Actions Toward Visitors

Clan Quest members are expected to represent the organization honorably when dealing with non-members. One of the primary purposes of Clan Quest is sharing our knowledge. Clan Quest has a very public image and hosts many potential new members and people seeking our guidance. This visibility puts a spotlight on our behavior and values.

Bossiness, criticism, sarcasm, complaining, and other negative speech may be against the values of the clan. Clan Quest places special emphasis on certain rules to reinforce ethical behavior. These emphasis include avoiding offensive speech or behavior, dealing with conflict privately, and reporting clan members for serious offenses. Following these ethical rules keeps the Clan calm, helpful, and focused.

Ethical Action Within Our Community

Members are expected to be “good neighbors“ to each other and treat each other respectfully. Adherence to the Golden Rule of “treat others as you’d like to be treated” is commonly understood and appreciated. Every member has fulfilled the membership requirements, and therefore enjoys privileges which should not be interfered with. Everybody has an equal right to initiate activities, speak up in forum, contact leadership, propose changes, bring up concerns or complaints, expect fair solutions, and participate in every aspect of community life. Acting with integrity toward other members within this established community minimizes disruption or unhappiness.

Ethical Action By Clan Leadership

Clan Quest’s leaders are held to the highest standards of ethical behavior. In return, members are asked to support the Clan Leadership and its efforts to govern well. Leaders must be honest, fair and helpful toward all members, and must represent the clan honorably both publicly and within the clan. Leaders should be an example for members.

Breach of Ethics

Any member who believes another member, or leader, has acted unethically should contact the Honor Council. Where a breach of ethics cannot be resolved by a single Guild’s Honor Council, the Clan Council or multiple Honor Councils may act in peer review to the original Honor Council.

ARTICLE V - Government Structure

SECTION I - Clan Council Management

Clan Quest shall be managed exclusively by the Clan Council, who shall be charged with management, maintenance, funding, and coordination of the Membership-At-Large and all Guilds.

SECTION II - Guilds Shall be Self Managed

As individual Clan Councilors may not be knowledgeable about each Guild, the management and operation of respective Guilds shall fall to the individual Guild and its various officers.

SECTION III - Reciprocation

With the exception of a Clan Councilor, no member’s rank shall be guaranteed reciprocation across the various Guilds. A Clan Councilor shall also not be guaranteed other positions in a Guild government unless meeting the requirements of a Guild.

ARTICLE VI - Clan Council

SECTION I - General Definition

Individual Clan Councilors, collectively referred to as “The Clan Council,” shall be those individuals whom are charged with managing, funding, and coordinating the various efforts of Clan Quest and it’s individual Guilds.

SECTION II - Selection Criteria

  1. At the ratification of this Constitution, the Clan Council shall be composed of those individual members who currently hold such position. Those Clan Councilors holding current retired status, shall be further carried into retired status.
  2. Promotion of a member to Clan Councilor requires that member maintain active participation in the clan for at least ninety days, and as judged by the existing Clan Councilors demonstrate exemplary loyalty to the clan and the clan interests, and act as an example to all fellow members.
  3. Promotion to Clan Councilor may only be given to members holding a rank in a Guild Council or Honor Council at the time of promotion.
  4. Promotion to Clan Councilor requires that promotee obtain a two-thirds agreement vote of all currently active Clan Councilors.

SECTION III - Head of Clan Council

The Head of Clan Council shall serve as the group's official communicator with the Membership-At-Large, and as a mediator between disputes within the Clan Council. While a “Head of Clan Council” shall be elected from amongst themselves, the Head will be equal in power to the other Clan Councilors. The Head of Clan Council shall be elected on a schedule as determined by the Clan Council, or as a vacancy occurs. The policies of and for that election shall be maintained by the Clan Council.

SECTION IV - Clan Councilor Removal

  1. A Clan Councilor shall typically serve in that office for a life term.
  2. An Honor Council may try a Clan Councilor, and if found guilty impeach them, whereupon that Clan Councilor may be removed from a Guild by vote of that Guild’s Council.
  3. Another Clan Councilor will honor the decision of the Honor Council, and shall make the adjustments following impeachment as pertinent to that Guild. Removal by a Guild Council does not carry weight across other Guilds.
  4. If receiving votes for removal from half of the active Clan Council, a Clan Councilor may be removed from office, but only when that Clan Councilor has also been impeached by an Honor Council. As a Clan Councilor can also serve as an Honor Councilor, that member may not function in both roles for this scenario.
  5. A Clan Councilor may be retired either: voluntarily, by not actively communicating for a period of 30 days, or by receiving votes from half of the active Clan Council. Retired Clan Councilors may resume their role upon displaying adequate knowledge, as deemed by the active Clan Council, of the current workings of Clan Quest.
  6. If a Clan Councilor resigns from Clan Quest, they forfeit their office.

SECTION V - Rights and Responsibilities

The Clan Council is responsible for all Clan Quest operations out of game including: management of clanquest.org, managing other communication mediums, regularly updating social media profiles, procuring and accounting for clan finances, and all rights or responsibilities attributed the Clan Council by the Membership-At-Large or individual Guilds without limitation.

Article VII - Guilds

SECTION I - General Definition

An individual Guild shall be a collection of entities which represent Clan Quest’s members participating within one specific game or focused interest. Each Guild shall include a Guild Council and an Honor Council. A Guild shall exist for as long as its host game exists, or as otherwise specified herein.

SECTION II - Requirements for Formation

  1. A Guild must meet the requirements herein, as well as any other informal requirements, which may be outlined by the Clan Council or Membership-At-Large to obtain formal recognition from Clan Quest.
  2. A Guild must have a minimum of five participants, either active members of Clan Quest, or applying for membership.
  3. A Guild must have a minimum of three Guild Councilors.
  4. A Guild must have a minimum of one Honor Councilor. A member serving as Honor Councilor may also serve as a Guild Councilor.
  5. A donation in the host game’s currency must be made by the participants collectively, which totals the equivalent value of at least ten United States dollars. This amount shall be used as the starting Guild bank, and managed as specified elsewhere in this constitution. In the event that this requirement may not be possible to meet, an explanation requesting exemption must be included with the Guild’s application.

SECTION III - Application of Guilds to Clan Quest

  1. A Guild that meets the requirements may apply to Clan Quest for official recognition as a new Guild.
  2. Application for official status must be made via a written application.
  3. Applications for official status must include the usernames of all participants, and those participants membership statuses. If a participant is not a member of Clan Quest, the application of the Guild shall serve also as the application for that participant.
  4. Photo evidence of clan bank, roster of assigned positions, and all other requirements must be submitted with the application.

SECTION IV - Ratification and Probation

  1. Applications for Guilds shall be given a maximum of seventy-two hours of review before a formal response from the Clan Council and Membership-At-Large.
  2. During review, the Membership-At-Large shall be given the option to vote in acceptance or denial of the new Guild. When a majority of the Membership-At-Large approves the Guild, it shall be considered formally ratified, and the Clan Council shall make all expedient effort to accommodate the needs of that Guild within the Clan Quest infrastructure.
  3. A Guild shall be considered under probation status for its first one-hundred eighty days, and must maintain its requirements. At or before one-hundred eighty days, a vote may be called one time by each Guild to rescind status.
  4. After one-hundred eighty days, the new Guild shall be considered a permanent fixture of Clan Quest, and may only be removed upon closure of its focus interest or if that Guild fails to meet the requirements of Article VII, Section II Paragraphs 2-4.

SECTION V - Sovereign Authority

  1. While the Clan Council holds domain over the shared network of Clan Quest, each individual Guild shall have sovereign authority exclusive to their interests.
  2. There shall be only one Guild per interest, unless the original Guild of that interest allows the creation or admittance of another.
  3. A Guild may draft their own rules and operate their community without oversight from other Guilds or the Membership-At-Large.

ARTICLE VIII - Guild Council

SECTION I - General Definition

A Guild Councilor, collectively referred to as the “Guild Council of [example]” or a “Guild Council” or a “[example game] Guild”, is responsible for the leadership of a specific Guild.

SECTION II - Selection Criteria

A member of a Guild may obtain the rank of Guild Councilor in a few ways:
  1. A non-member may be granted the rank of Guild Councilor when the Guild applies for its status, and the Guild is accepted by the Membership-At-Large. This is the only instance where a non-Clan member or non-Guild member may be granted a Guild Councilor position.
  2. A member may become a Guild Councilor if they are voted to that position by a majority of Guild Councilors in a respective Guild and hold membership within Clan Quest.
  3. A member of a Guild may become a Guild Councilor by calling a vote for the proposition, and having two-thirds of the Guild's membership agree.
  4. A member may become a Guild Councilor if it is determined necessary for the operations of Clan Quest by the Clan Council, and after allowing a period of three days for opposition from the hosting Guild, that Guild Councilor is well received by the existing Guild Councilors of the Guild. If a Guild Councilor is nominated by the Clan Council, and a single member of that Guild’s Council rejects the proposition, then a vote may be called by the Clan Council, wherein the Guild’s Councilors, Guild’s Honor Councilors, and all Clan Councilors vote with each individual holding one vote. A person holding the status of multiple offices pertinent to the vote, shall have one vote for each office. A majority vote wins.
  5. A Clan Councilor may request a Guild Councilor position within a Guild, which may be accepted by the current Head of Council for the Guild. If that request is denied, the Clan Councilor may apply to the Guild’s members, who may vote for the proposition as outlined previously in method three, with the necessary vote being only a majority, not the usually required two-thirds.

SECTION III - Guild’s Head of Council

  1. Each Guild’s Head of Council shall serve as the Guild’s chief executive and act as official communicator between the Guild Council and the Guild’s members. A Head of Council shall be elected at least once annually by the members of each Guild’s Council.
  2. A Guild’s Head of Council shall hold audit authority over all guild finances, and shall be authorized to manage the Guild’s funds, including holding and spending, except where compliance with this Constitution is required.
  3. A Guild’s Head of Council shall be authorized to override typical Guild Council vote requirements for a requesting Clan Councilor, granting them Guild Council status in the Guild.
  4. A Guild’s Head of Council shall be authorized to modify a Guild's game specific entry requirements for membership into the guild which may extend beyond typical Clan Quest membership.

SECTION IV - Guild Councilor Removal

  1. A Guild Councilor shall typically serve in that office for a life term.
  2. If receiving votes for removal from half of the active Guild Council, a Guild Councilor may be removed from office.
  3. A Guild Councilor may be retired either: voluntarily, by not actively communicating for a period of sixty days, or by receiving votes from half of the active Guild Council. Retired Guild Councilors may resume their role upon displaying adequate knowledge, as deemed by the active Guild Council, of the current workings of the Guild upon their return. A request to return to active status must be made via written request. Retirement in a single Guild does not carry to other Guilds.
  4. If a Guild Councilor resigns from a Guild, they forfeit their office.
  5. A Guild Councilor may resign their position.

SECTION V - Rights and Responsibilities

The Guild Council is responsible for the leadership of an individual Guild and all the responsibilities associated with that including management of its daily functions, management of the focus interest’s communication channels, event planning, accepting or denying applications for membership into their respective Guild, accepting/denying applications for war within their host game, planning and operation of formal events with other groups within their host game, taking action for violations of the Revised Code, and any other responsibilities or privileges as defined by their Guild rules, Clan Council, and membership-at-large at any given time. Further, they shall be afforded the rights and privileges which may be required to fulfill these responsibilities.

ARTICLE IX - Honor Council

SECTION I - General Definition

The Honor Council, comprised of individual Honor Councilors and referred to as the “Honor Council of (example) Guild” or a “Honor Council”, is the judicial branch of a Guild’s government and is responsible for mediating disputes between members and ensuring their Guild remains ethical.

SECTION II - Selection Criteria

  1. Honor Council Members shall be assigned to their position by the Head of Honor Council within seventy-two hours of the head’s election. The Head of Honor Council may select none, or any even number of fellow members up to eight, to make the total possible number of Honor Councilors per Guild nine. After a Guild reaches fifty members, the number of Honor Councilors shall be more than one, but odd in total.
  2. The Head of Honor Council may be assigned that position when a Guild applies for acceptance with the Membership-At-Large and the Guild is accepted. This is the only way in which a non-Clan member or non-Guild member may become a member of the Honor Council.
  3. The Head of Honor Council shall be elected by majority vote of the Guild’s Membership-At-Large when the position comes open.

SECTION III - Honor Councilor Removal

  1. An Honor Councilor shall typically serve in that office for a life term.
  2. If the majority of a Honor Council believe one of their members to be inactive, they may vote that Honor Councilor removed.
  3. If an Honor Councilor shall be deemed inactive by a Guild’s Council, they may appeal the Clan Council to review the case. If the Clan Council concurs, they shall contact the Honor Councilor and afford them forty-eight hours to respond. No response, or an inadequate response at the determination of the Clan Council shall render the Honor Councilor removed.
  4. An Honor Councilor can resign the position to be removed.
  5. When an Honor Councilor leaves the Guild, they resign their position and are removed.
  6. When any Honor Councilor is removed from the Council, the entire Honor Council is removed, and a new election must be held for the Head of Honor Council, and reselection of Honor Councilors, per Section II- Selection Criteria.

SECTION IV - Rights and Responsibilities

The Honor Council shall have the authority to handle appeal of judgements made by the Guild Council regarding the Revised Code, impeach based on non-compliance with the Canon of Ethics throughout the Clan, audit their Guild government, mediate member disputes, and pre-review amendments to the Constitution for editorial and judicial review. It is a group of members whose responsibility is to mediate disputes and decide whether actions within the clan are fair and honorable.

ARTICLE X - Other Guild Officers

SECTION I - General Definition

As it might be necessary to assign authorities in proxy of the previously mentioned officers, or to ascribe duties and privileges to an individual or group of individuals not specifically outlined within the constitution, the privilege of creating other officer types shall be afforded to any of the groups herein listed within this constitution so long as the powers and privileges of those “other” officers do not exceed the privileges and powers of the empowering body.

Any Guild Council, acting within their authority over their guild, may create a set or sets of officers whom shall be granted authorities as outlined within that guild. The Clan Council shall be permitted to assign officers with authority and privileges that fall within the purview of the Clan Council’s authority. Any other officer groups may pass their authority onto individuals not directly associated with their group, but whom are endowed some or all of the privileges of the enacting officer group.

SECTION II - Officer removal

Any other Officer may be removed from that role by the Clan Council, or the respective Guild’s Council or associated groups affiliated with that Officer at the discretion of those bodies.

SECTION III - Rights and Responsibilities

The rights and responsibilities of any other Officers shall be afforded on a case by case basis as outlined in Section I.

ARTICLE XI - Affiliation with Other Groups

Clan Quest shall affiliate with any other organizations or entities sharing the interests of Clan Quest. Affiliation must be done with a majority vote by the Clan Council. Wherein monies may be involved with said affiliation, the guidelines of Article III, Section V shall serve as guidance.

An individual guild may create and maintain affiliate relationships, but only within the interests of that unique guild, and not on behalf of Clan Quest, its Guilds, or its affiliates.

ARTICLE XII - Non Discriminatory Clause

The QC shall not discriminate on the basis of race, creed, religion, nationality, ancestry, gender, age, handicap, or sexual orientation in the selection of its members. This shall also apply to the selection of Guilds’ members.

ARTICLE XIII - Amendments

Any amendments made to this charter must go through the following process: a written proposal of the change(s) must be presented in a manner easily accessible to the general clan, all Honor Councils shall be given seventy-two hours to review that change for constitutionality and appeal for revision, and a majority of active Clan and active Guild Council members from all guilds voting in approval, and each council being granted a single vote. If Clan Quest has three Guilds at the time of a proposed amendment, that would result in One Clan Council and three Guild Councils, for a total of four potential votes. Clan Members serving on multiple councils shall be given the right to vote within each respective council.