As defined by the 2018 Constitution, the government of Clan Quest is comprised of three major bodies: The Clan Council, the Guild Councils, and the Honor Councils. A member of the Clan Quest "Government" is any person who serves on one these Councils or their various subgroups in any Guild. Every member of the Clan Government is also considered to be part of the "Membership-at-Large", the official term used to describe the entirety of the Clans membership across all Guilds.
For a full breakdown of the Clan Government, please review the Clan Constitution, as it is the sole document referenced in all official clan business.
Clan Council
Main Article: Clan Council
The Clan Council is the top administrative branch of the Clan that manages the entity of "Clan Quest" as a whole. This includes managing funds, social media accounts, all official Clan Quest websites, communication platforms, branding, and content. Members of the Clan Council are not, necessarily, the leader of any Guild by default. While Clan Councilors lead the Clan as a whole, it is the Guild Council that is ultimately responsible for the leadership of their own individual Guild. Considering each individual Clan Councilor may not play a certain Guilds game, it makes little sense for them to have a say in their day to day activities, but they may still join the Guild Council for a Guild they are part of.
Click here to read about the Clan Council in our Constitution.
Head of Clan Council
The "Head of Clan Council" is elected by the other members of the Clan Council on terms the Clan Council itself is free to determine. Typically, a Head of Clan Council will serve a "life term", meaning that they will hold the position until they resign or are deemed unable to serve by the other members of the Clan Council. Despite what the name might suggest, the Head of Clan Council does not hold any actual power over any other member of the Council, or the Clan. The Head of Clan Council is simply the official mediator between Clan Councilors should any disputes arise, as well as official communicator between the Clan Council and the Membership-at-large.
Joining the Clan Council
All members of the Clan Council are chosen to join the Clan Council by the Clan Council. There are certain requirements that must be met, such as currently serving on a Guild or Honor Council and have been a member of any Guild for more than ninety days. A members dedication, commitment, and loyalty to the Clan as a whole are taken into consideration when selecting a new Clan Councilor.
Guild Council
Main Article: Guild Council
A "Guild Council" is the administrative body of an individual Guild, serving as its de facto leaders and policy makers. How a Guild Council specifically operates is entirely dependent on the policies of that Guild Council; you could have a Guild Council that takes an active role in shaping the path of its Guild, or one that works from behind the scene, content to let the Guild run itself. However it works, a Guild Council, not the Clan Council, is in charge of their own Guild. The Clan Council may, however, request immediate access into a Guild Council, or promote a member to a specific Guild's Council barring any resistance from its current members.
Click here to read about Guild Councils in our Constitution.
Head of Guild Council
The "Head of Guild Council" is the leader of a Guild Council, and must be elected once a year by the members of the Guild Council. Unlike the Head of Clan Council, the Head of a Guild's Council actually has more power than other Guild Councilors. They still serve as the official communicator between the Guild Council and their Guilds members, but they also have the ability to audit all their Guilds funds, to accept or deny a Clan Councilors request for Guild Councilor status, and to determine and change a specific Guilds entry requirements. This is a significant amount of power for one individual to hold, and as such a Head of Guild Council is typically seen as a role model to the clan, and should act accordingly.
Joining a Guild Council
The exact requirements to join a Guild Council are entirely up to each individual Guild's rules set either upon formation or by later policy. The Questing Clan of RuneScape Guild Council, for example, requires possession of an ingame "Quest Cape" to join. However, there are a few basic processes for joining a Guild Council that are universal to all Guilds:
-A majority of active Guild Councilors may vote to promote a member to their ranks.
-If two-thirds of an entire Guild vote to promote a member to the Guild Council, then the Guild Council must comply.
-Clan Councilors may be granted a position in a Guild Council by the Head of Guild Council.
-The Clan Council may choose to promote a member to a Guild's Council, who will then retain that position permanently after three days of being unopposed by the Guilds membership or Council. If a single member of the respective Guild Council challenges the promotion, each member of that Guilds Honor and Guild Councils, as well as the Clan Council, will all collectively vote on the issue, where each individuals vote is equal to one.
Honor Council
Main Article: Honor Council
An Honor Council is the judicial branch of an individual Guild, responsible for mediating disputes between members, impeaching Councilors, pre-reviewing amendments to the official Clan Constitution or any Guild-specific documents, auditing the Clan Government, and deciding whether actions are fair and honorable or not, among other responsibilities listed in the Constitution. The Honor Council has a much more defined role that a Guild Council, but it is ultimately up to them how to handle appeals based on the revised code and the canon of ethics. They possess a lot of power in a Guild, and even across the Clan, and are expected to use their absolute best judgement when using it.
Click here to read about Honor Councils in our Constitution.
Head of Honor Council
The Head of Honor Council is any member of a Guild who has been elected to hold that position by the Membership-at-Large. They are not required to hold any other positions within the clan, they must simply win the largest share of all cast votes within a Guild. There are no requirements for a Head of Honor Council to be reelected, however there are numerous ways in which a Head of Honor Council may lose their position. If the members of the Honor Council determine that the Head of Honor Council is no longer active, they may vote to remove them. Similarly, if a Guild Council believes a Head of Honor Council has become inactive, or any member of the Honor Council for that matter, they may appeal the Clan Council to review the case. If there is no response within forty-eight hours, the Honor Council will be disbanded and a new vote will be held.
One important detail to note is that if a single Honor Council leaves or is removed from the Honor Council, then the entire Honor Council is disbanded and a new vote must occur. There is nothing stopping past members of that Honor Council from running again, but a single Honor Councilor who resigns cannot be replaced, the entire Honor Council must be replaced.
Joining an Honor Council
As stated above, one may become the Head of Honor Council by majority vote by the entire Guild. All other Honor Councilors are then selected by the newly elected Head of Honor Council within seventy-two hours of the election. There may never be more than nine Honor Councilors, including the Head, in any one Guild at any given time, and the number of Honor Councilors in a Guild must always be odd. Should a Guild have more than fifty members, then the Honor Council must never have less than three members.
While the term is not listed in any official documents, the "Emeritus" group is sometimes used in various parts of the Clan Government to mark a member as inactive, or temporarily unavailable. A Councilor is moved to an Emeritus group either by request or by a decision made by the Council in question, usually after the Councilor in question has been inactive or unresponsive for a significant period of time. Any Councilor who is part of an Emeritus group is still considered a member of that Council, and may return to active status if they show a significant understanding of their Guilds current policies. Any Councilor who is on an Emeritus list is not counted when determining the number of Councilors for votes, so if a Council has five "active" members and four "Emeritus" members, then for voting purposes the Council only has five members.