Clan Quest's RuneScape account, usually referred to as 'the gold key', is the only account that holds the Owner rank on the in-game Clan Chat. As such, it can't be kicked, banned or demoted, and is the only authorized account to promote members to Deputy Owners. It has been controlled by the Clan Council since the implementation of RuneScape's Clan System in April 2012.

The Clan Chat

(April 12, 2012 - March 12, 2018)
Even though Clan Quest was founded on November 9, 2009, it wasn't until the early months of 2012 that the Clan System was implemented in-game. The new feature allowed for a better structure and organization, with numerous ranks and permissions that could be given to certain members to fulfill their tasks. As there can only be one Gold Key, the High Council was given the Silver Key, whereas the Honor Council received the Bronze Key, and Low Councilors held the rank of Coordinators.

Updating the ranks

(March 12, 2018 - Present)
When the 2018 Constitution was ratified, the High and Low Councils were combined into the brand new Guild Council, and their members, along with those of the Honor Council, were promoted to Deputy Owners. Even though the Guild Council became the leading body, and a discussion arised to consider giving owner access to the Head of said council, the Gold Key remained in the Clan Council's hands.

Old School Clan Quest

(2013 - Present)
When Jagex launched Old School RuneScape, many Clan members switched to that game. The Clan Quest Friends Chat was enabled for Old School and the High Council still retained control of the owner rank. When the Clan System was implemented in mid 2021, Guild and Honor Councilors were given the Deputy Owner rank, just as in the RS3 Guild. As a note of colour, Old School Guild Councilor Skeezer is the only member in the Clan's history that held the Gold Key without being a High/Clan Councilor. This happened because in OSRS' system, when the owner is inactive for 90 days, the account is automatically demoted and the highest rank is transferred to a Deputy Owner.