The "Hoodian Council", is a non-official Council of Clan Quest that oversees all matters regarding the Hoodian Faith.
A member of the Hoodian Council is referred to as a "Hoodian Councilor", and collectively as "Hoodian Councilors".
Who is the Hoodian Council
The Hoodian Council is the only capable administrative body who can manage the Hoodian Faith. They come from all types of different backgrounds, but with the only purpose of serving the Hood. Excepting the Head of the Hoodian Council, who is the maximum authority of the Faith and has extra rights, every member of the Hoodian Council holds equal power. Despite being extremely powerful, said Council does not hold any power over any official Clan platforms, including Discord and the Clan Website.
Head of Hoodian Council
The Head of the Hoodian Council is defined as:
The current Head of the Hoodian Council is Xenon Ray.
Current Hoodian Councilors and affiliates
Main Article: Hoodian Council/Members
There are presently five active members of the Hoodian Council, and three additional members who act as ambassadors to their own typos. Those active members are: PTV Suli, Foxtortle, Xenon Ray, ALphaLeo, Questcaping and Huncho Rei. The three ambassadors, (who might not be aware of their ambassador status, are the Hoofian Shane, the Shoodian Questcaping, and the Jiidian Nex Sicarius.
Joining the Hoodian Council
In order to join the Clan Council, you must be chosen to join the Hoodian Council by the Head of the Hoodian Council (From now on, HoHooC). There are a number of requirements to join. The official requirements to join the Hoodian Council are:
- Being a member of Clan Quest.
- Respect the Hood.
- Feel the Hood.
- Be the Hood.
- Joined the Clan Quest - After Dark discord server and became Hoodian.
- Doesn't mind if you're mainly hoofian, shoodian, jiidian or whatever, as everything is under the Hood.
History of the Hoodian Council
General elections
The Hoodian Council was born in the center of the storm, some days after the Clan Quest Constitution of 2018 was ratified unanimously by its members. With the RuneScape Guild and Honour Councils electing heads, the Hood thought it was time.
March 15, 2018 saw the beggining of the nomination proccess, where any full member of Clan Quest could nominate any suitable clan quester for the HoHooC position.
There were 8 nominees:
Choto 3000 (rejected the nomination)
Santa Ends (rejected the nomination)
Quest Kitty (didn't meet all the requirements)
Xenon Ray
PTV Suli
Huncho Rei
After 5 days of nominations, the election period was opened. Any form of pressure, bribery, fraud, threats or typically illegal actions were totally acceptable, so chaos arised for the next 3 days. As the voting was so tremendously chaotic, it was decided that, after the elections were closed, a special committee was being created to count all the votes, with the authority being the Head for the Head of Hoodian Council Election Committee. But before that, another committee was created to see if a committee to count votes for the HfHoHooCEC was actually necessary. Roadsick was then appointed as Head of the Comitee to see if we needed a comitee to count votes for the HfHoHooCEC, and chose Choto 3000 and Foxtortle as companions. With 2 votes against 1, it was determined that a HfHoHooCEC was needed. The following Clan Questers were nominated for such important position:
-PTV Suli.
-Choto 3000.
-Nex Sicarium.
With 3 votes each, both Roadsick and Choto became the Heads for the Head of the Hoodian Council Election Committee. After almost 1 hour of counting, where it was thought Choto had escaped with the urns, it was announced that, with around 10,000,003,200 votes (out of a clan of 400), Choto 3000 was becoming the first Head of the Hoodian Council.
The first (and last) hour of Choto 3000
Choto 3000 had expresed many times he was not willing to assume as HoHooC. But general pressure put him directly under The Hood. During his short mandate, he established that the HoHooC has the right to have more than just 2 fellow Hoodians as its council. He then appointed his Council, which consisted on AlphaLeo, Xenon Ray, Foxtortle, PTV Suli and Huncho Rei.
After that, having been on power for 1 hour and 5 minutes, he resigned his position as HoHooC in favour of AlphaLeo and left the Council for good.
The AlphaLeo times
To be filled with hoodian things
The Questcaping times
To be filled with hoodian things
The Xenon Ray times
Xenon Ray's tenure as Head of the Hoodian Council was the longest one by far, largely due to the fact that he was way too lazy to create a new election thread seized power and stopped elections, making him the eternal leader. During this time, the Hood prospered, and peace was restored to the land as the Pawfia were banished.
Xenon Ray finally decided to hold a new round of elections in celebration of his faithful servant Choto 3000 successfully infiltrating the Clan Council.
Hello, this is Choto. See? I'm saying hello and not Hoods. This section is very important. Even though I make it sound serious, I believe every single clannie knows the Hoodian Faith is a joke, a meme, a mere typo. The Hoodian Council is NOT an official group in Clan Quest and has no power whatsoever. I don't want the meme to die but we don't need a cult. This is just a way of having fun, bare that in mind.
PS: If anyone ever takes screenshots of me saying hello instead of hoods or about anything I said in the disclaimer, including this PS, I shall deny it until the day I die.