Past Month

[Essay] Bilrach da king by ACPL - You may have some thoughts about who the best Mahjarrat is, but after this slide deck, you know that Bilrach is the only right answer.

[Video] League of Legends by robotwars666 - The writer of this teaser won't pretend to know much about League of Legends, but is convinced that robotwars666's videos will impress anybody who does!
The power of Renekton topAram Talon 2 penta kills

[Stream] Azzanadra's Quest by Questcaping - Jagex keeps treating us to great quests, and Azzanadra's Quest was not an exception. Take a look at the highlights of Clan Quest playing through it.
Ariane gets high off Elder Juice

Upcoming Month


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CQ Official Logo - Shield.png Thu, 01 Apr 2021 17:30:00 GMT: Majora's Mask Randomizer by Cireon at
CQ Official Logo - Shield.png Tue, 06 Apr 2021 17:30:00 GMT: Pokémon Diamond Monotype Randomizer by Cyan R at


RS3-Logo.png Thu, 01 Apr 2021 16:00:00 GMT: April Fool's Day by Questcaping