This one was so short I barely have any thoughts on it at all. Once again I remember it being tough when I was younger; I seem to recall going into the Lumbridge Swamp, getting lost, and getting stomped by skeletons (or maybe it was the giant rats, I don't quite remember).

But nothing like that happened this time; I didn't even get attacked, which seems like bullshit. #MakeLumbridgeDangerousAgain!

I'm kidding; from a new player perspective, it's not sensible to have a quest this early in the game that sends you to a dangerous area where you're likely to die. So that was probably a good move on Jagex's part.

I did manage to get lost this time, though; I remember Father Urhney's house being to the far west of the swamp, closer to the Wizard's Tower, but he was actually more towards the center along the southern coast. I don't know if I misremembered, or if they moved him because of Shattered Worlds, but it was a smidge disorienting. But I did finally find him, though he wasn't exactly pleased to see me:


I'm not an expert, but I don't think you're really getting meditation, chief.

Old memory again, but didn't his deal used to be that he had taken a vow of silence, which you ruin by speaking to him? It's too bad that they changed it, because it's a good joke (possibly because it's stolen from Monty Python's Life of Brian), but maybe it's a bit cruel; I mean, if you figure that at least one person is doing this quest every day, the poor guy would be stuck out in the swamp for ever.

Anyway, one not-hard puzzle, and one not-hard boss fight, and we're done!
