Name of Proposed Guild?:
The Questing Clan of RuneScape (The RuneScape Guild)
Focus Interest/Game?:
RuneScape 3
Founding Members (Please list each on separate lines)? Are all five of these members registered with
Lord Earth
Who are the three Guild Councilors (Please list each on separate lines)?:
Draziw (Head of Guild Council)
Lord Earth
Who is/are the Honor Councilor(s)?:
Cireon (Head of Honor Council)
Do you have a Guild Bank? If yes, please provide photo evidence. If no, why not?:
Yes. This is a screenshot of a portion of the bank which should easily pass the balance requirement of a real life value of $10US. The total in game currency bank value is 419,977,158GP. The screenshot is of the Clan Bank value held by Tyco Elf.
Additional information relevant to Guild's application?:
Our guild has existed since November 9th, 2009. We are submitting this application as part of the formality due to creating a new constitution.
Additional Members not included in founding 5?:
1234Werecool, 123Light50, 1ryb, 4l3ksa, 6546543445, 82ndAirborne, 9 Poopypants, A lone fall, A Seafarer, Ace248, Achilles IXI, Adge, Adventurer, Aetideus, Aleosith, Alex 43, Ali the Wise, AlphaLeo, Alqam, Andrew Cinqo, Anextiamarus, Antivistic, AnyValidName, Apple iQuest, Arctic Zone, Aretina Dux, Arix, artofdvorak, Astral Gaza, Atnas, Auto-Magic, AuZie FightA, B Adger, Baqlawa, BebotKing, Becker2010, Bert Stone, big diz, Bigg Dogg, Blaa, Blahblapanda, Blasterizer, Blue Hubbard, BlueFreddy11, Bobacupcake, Borixi, Borizi, Borosouro, Bouboule123, Bradybeen, Bradybeen200, Brappa, Bulbazard, Calivatarsi, Capri, Cassel, Ch00blet, ChaDMcBaDD, Chajko, Chandis Troi, Chaotic Eric, Charalambos7, Chaz5100, chimneyLAX, Choc-Barrage, Choto 3000, chris10617, Ciehl, Cikx, Cireon, Clan Quest, Clareece, Clean Tosols, Codelyoko252, Col Ton, ColdEndeavor, CoolBanksy, CorruptPony, CQ Klippa, CQ Sethron, CraftyMagpie, Crannos, Crash3393, Cyan R, Cyanpnir, Dane Karai, DanielJSaints, Dannyyyy, darc59, Darthmarth, Data479, DatDus, Day Dreamer, De Radiohead, DeathByGod, Deimos, Delenda Est, Denniz, Deranqeed, Derparnieux, Desmo360, Diapolo 10, Digminewalk, dillyDclaw, Diocles, DISTRBD beat, DivineQuest, dobbolsteen, Doc Hawk, Doctor Quest, Dogsnow MkII, DoktorBorg, Domina Ignis, domthemexcan, Douglas-Fir, Dour Matt, Dragon Elder, DragonFox, Dragonkith, DrakanHpS, Draziw, DrRo, Duckez, Duke Juker, Duke Nemesis, Dumb Dragon, Duredel, Dusjangvord, E S C, Earendil20, Easybake5000, EchoRaptor, EEEEEvan, ElementChaoz, Ellok, elven badass, Elystian, EpicQuester, Erza Scar8, ewe Logs, Fairangel, Fallen Fire, FaroxKratos, Fe NadeZiLLa, FeelMyPokes, FieldsOfHope, Final Primal, Finska, Flying 0ne, FM x anxiety, FMJ Frog, Francine1225, Frawr, G U NS H I P, Gaitt, Gardenchick, Gast Ring, Gielach, Gift Shop, Giovanig, Gladion, Goku_SSJbleu, Gooberlee, Green Repeat, Grymm Slayer, Haalalbacon, Halodeath, Har-Aken Rex, Helgrinds, Hemsky, Hexamethyl, Hi Im Dice, Holy Rebuild, Hope3, Huncho Rei, Hxcheyo, i herblaw, I Tell Jokes, I-am-SpEwNeR, IcarusEffect, IcyDefiance, icydemise, Idiotonastic, iiDefend, Ik woon hier, ILikeSlayer, Iomeces, Irene Angel, Iron Adge, Iron Avatar, Iron C0ke, IronPokes, Isarap, Iskh, Istmhus, Iti Manu, Its Drama, Jaguar 007, Jammy Jenni, Jan Itor MD, Jessiboo, Jewbakka, Jibbeh, Jjwatchdog4d, Jrnedraw, Juan S, Juju senpai, Jungle VIP, K3F, Kappathegray, Karen Angel, KatMak, Kebabthief, Kelondras, Kexy, Kitt79, Kitty Aether, krazy lady, KrisAnne, Ktbrok, KyojinSatsu, Lady Klaw, Lanticex, LazyKernel, Legend Nomad, Letyrman, Lhokin, Lhotse, linkvi, Locko11113, lol mosnter, Lord Boba122, Lord Duffs, Lord Dustea, Lord Earth, LordMasamune, LoreDeluxe, LovelyMortal, Luke Totodile, Luv Natural, Lycan979, MagicHunter, Magicking, MahjarratElf, Malchior, MamaMystic, Manu Nui, Marc Petry11, Marimba, Marnit, Matts374, Max Questptz, McLubbin, Mej-Quest, Mell, membershi, Men of Man, Merovech, Meru, Meyza, MGS Snake, Microfunding, Milhojas, Miss Alaska, Miss Malice, MOLDY SHOWER, Monpensier, Moodragonx, Mr M, Mr Zaros357, MrArgute, MrNickname, Mrnokia, Msi_soosalu, MsKonnan10, Naowed, Nebulon Mah, Necro Devil8, Necroth, Nedgeh, Neutral Book, nicky nats, Nicole Angel, Nidhogg1, NL Nightmare, Noblewoman44, Nogard210, NordicFalcon, NoxBow, Nub Draziw, Nythirios, Oatsmeal, odarkstar, Of Nomad, Oleifsson, OnAQuest, Ons Bier, Orcinuss, Ozazoyo, Panda in Luv, Paper Gap, PARATUS, Patapolo, Patisfat, pentixide, Pink elegant, Pizzar456, Pjcrus, plunder unit, Premier Parm, Prince Valor, ProdigalGazz, Profeshnull, Protoman807, PsymonM77, PTV Suli, QBond008, QuackAttack, Queen Adena, Quest Kitty, Quest Paws, QuestAngel, Questcaping, R0noue, Raamo, Rah0rakhty, Ramchop, RaptureRose, Rawwr Rob, Recon Unit, Redroan, Reiku, Rendition, Repo Santa, RevCity, Rex Compitum, Rgm O7, Ridley, Riverdesign, Roadmaps, Robbe, Rodonies, Rolladude540, RoronZoro, Row of snow, Ruddie, Rune Dragon, Ryan IRL, Saku382, Sangre Sani, Santa Ends, Saxspieler, ScarletLily, Schnetts, Scorpion3yes, sCy, Seabreeze24, Seanyboy633, Sebbage, See Name, Sesshyy, Seth E Roth, Shack 398, Shane12088, Shiro Shana, Shluffi, Shut up685, Sidewalks, Sillycat98, Simbakuro, Sina Atn, Sir ve Blade, Sirapyro, Sk8r Dan Man, Skeets, Skipps, Skullbash258, Smooth Guru, Snow Light, Snowqueen303, Soap Eater, sockem, SoleQuest, Solis, Special Que, Sprinkles_GS, StarLordSean, StarShyne, Stick Man H, Stinkypete22, Sugar man, Suits, SullyV22, Super Zhi, Supertje, Supmyninja, Surge Aurora, Symun, T3hhustl3r, Tahimik, Takis Fuego, Tanbino, Tasty Romeo, TehQuestGuy, Temato, Tenembre, Terdsniffer0, TERR1LL, Terraformed, Thaxy, Thaxy Cab, The Rerecros, The Skeezer, the19t, the19txx, TheFireBro, TheQuiver, TheRedLady, TheVoid 2952, TheVyreWatch, Thhe Pac, Toddio22, Tohtli, Tomhickling, Toragrai, Trips Travis, Truly a Weeb, Tuor, TwiztidSoul, Ty Ler, Tyco Elf, TycoElf, Ultradog177, Uptheirons05, V-Feather, Vagonbrei, Valwyndir, Vaninar, vanitk, VanStyx, Vapor13579, VaragianBard, Veitchy, Viulu, Viye, Vodka B, Void Concept, Voltage133, Vss, VVizzzurd, Vyndaril 777, Waroch, Whig, WhiksyTF, Wolfeltopia, Wolffi, wolffie, WolfKnightRS, Xanthangum, XenaFlame, Xenon Ray, xenon41, XGN Xero, Xil-Cam, Xoreinn, xoxSCOTTYxox, XxPinHead, YLee, Yo_Natty, Ytse, Zack 27, Zane Baked, Zephyr Thief, zoltri ca, Zookeeper53
"Am I not destroying my enemies by making them my friends?" -Martin Luther King Jr, attributed to Abraham Lincoln.
"The director of an orchestra makes no sound. His power, such that it is, is only as great as his ability to make everyone else's power to create music better, and to make everyone else work together." -Benjamin Zander