OSRS name:
Dawn Panda
Have you read our rules? Do you agree with them?:

Do you accept to becoming part of the Clan Quest family, and will you respect other members, even if your opinions differ?:
If you will have me. And yes, I will respect all members.
Total Quest Points?: 148
Favorite Quest? Why?:
Sheep shearer... I haven't done it on OSRS. Saving it for last. It was the first quest I ever did on 06' scape.
Least Favorite Quest? Why?: Dragon Slayer. I failed a lot when I was a kid. Scaring memories. Did it again on OSRS and did not realise why I had struggled.
Total Level?: 1119 and growing fast

What's your preferred gamestyle (i.e quester, skiller, pvmer, etc)?: Questing is most enjoyable, followed by PVM and then some skilling. I get a bit bored of the grind so I am always mixing it up. Maybe not the most efficient, but sure is fun!
How did you learn about our clan?: Ol' mate Skeezer

Would you rather walk a mile in another man's shoes, or carry the man the mile?: Is this a take on give a man a fish and he eats for a day, teach a man to fish and he eats for a lifetime? (On OSRS, I eat hour by hour because of how poor my fishing is) I'll probably learn a lot from another man's comfy kicks. So maybe I'll try those on for size. And he can try mine on for size too

If you close both eyes, can you still see?: Just some blurry lights.... I think it's.... runescape.... seared into my vision after a 10hr binge.
If you know what you do not know, do you know everything?: Nice word play. And no. Because being aware of the things you do not know, and knowing them, are very different.
[Optional] When is your birthday? (We are making a clan calendar): 04/1997
Do you have any questions about this clan, e.g. its threads, the application, etc.?[/b] No, it's very comprehensive! Looking forward to getting into it with you all.