Please read in here first. These are the Rules and Guides for being "part" of the clan. You can also apply to the various Guilds here.

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Applying for a new Guild.

Postby Draziw » Fri Mar 02, 2018 10:50 am

Clan Quest is an online community. We were originally founded within RuneScape, but realized that many of our members shared interests outside that one game. To accomidate this, we created Guilds, and each of these Guilds maintains a presence within the community of their focus interest. Our first Guild was obviously the Questing Clan of RuneScape (aka the RuneScape Guild).

To open a guild, our Constitution requires any applicant Guild meet certain criteria.

  1. A Guild must have a minimum of five participants, either active members of Clan Quest, or applying for membership.
  2. A Guild must have a minimum of three Guild Councilors. (These act as the Guild's leaders and are in charge of daily operation.)
  3. A Guild must have a minimum of one Honor Councilor. A member serving as Honor Councilor may also serve as a Guild Councilor. (The Honor Council is the Guild's court, and an Honor Councilor is the Guild's Judge and Mediator.)
  4. A donation in the host game’s currency must be made by the participants collectively, which totals the equivalent value of at least ten United States dollars. This amount shall be used as the starting Guild bank, and managed as specified elsewhere in this constitution. In the event that this requirement may not be possible to meet, an explanation requesting exemption must be included with the Guild’s application.
  5. Application for official status must be made via a written application.
  6. Applications for official status must include the usernames of all participants, and those participants membership statuses. If a participant is not a member of Clan Quest, the application of the Guild shall serve also as the application for that participant.
  7. Photo evidence of clan bank, roster of assigned positions, and all other requirements must be submitted with the application.

To prove these requirements are met, an application must be made. Copy and paste the following form in your response, then fill it out.
Application Form for New Guilds wrote:Name of Proposed Guild?:
Focus Interest/Game?:
Founding Members (Please list each on separate lines)? Are all five of these members registered with
Who are the three Guild Councilors (Please list each on separate lines)?:
Who is/are the Honor Councilor(s)?:
Do you have a Guild Bank? If yes, please provide photo evidence. If no, why not?:
Additional information relevant to Guild's application?:
Additional Members not included in founding 5?:
Once the application is received, the application will be reviewed by Clan Quest and all of its members. A public vote will be made, and the results of your application will be made available within 72 hours. To avoid spamming this application thread with public votes, a copy of the application will be made on our wiki system, and individuals will be directed to that page where they can vote in approval.

If a Guild's founders are already Clan Members, they may vote on behalf of their Guild's application.
"Am I not destroying my enemies by making them my friends?" -Martin Luther King Jr, attributed to Abraham Lincoln.
"The director of an orchestra makes no sound. His power, such that it is, is only as great as his ability to make everyone else's power to create music better, and to make everyone else work together." -Benjamin Zander
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Re: Applying for a new Guild.

Postby Draziw » Mon Mar 12, 2018 3:59 pm

Name of Proposed Guild?:
The Questing Clan of RuneScape (The RuneScape Guild)

Focus Interest/Game?:
RuneScape 3

Founding Members (Please list each on separate lines)? Are all five of these members registered with
Lord Earth

Who are the three Guild Councilors (Please list each on separate lines)?:
Draziw (Head of Guild Council)
Lord Earth

Who is/are the Honor Councilor(s)?:
Cireon (Head of Honor Council)

Do you have a Guild Bank? If yes, please provide photo evidence. If no, why not?:
Yes. This is a screenshot of a portion of the bank which should easily pass the balance requirement of a real life value of $10US. The total in game currency bank value is 419,977,158GP. The screenshot is of the Clan Bank value held by Tyco Elf.

Additional information relevant to Guild's application?:
Our guild has existed since November 9th, 2009. We are submitting this application as part of the formality due to creating a new constitution.

Additional Members not included in founding 5?:
1234Werecool, 123Light50, 1ryb, 4l3ksa, 6546543445, 82ndAirborne, 9 Poopypants, A lone fall, A Seafarer, Ace248, Achilles IXI, Adge, Adventurer, Aetideus, Aleosith, Alex 43, Ali the Wise, AlphaLeo, Alqam, Andrew Cinqo, Anextiamarus, Antivistic, AnyValidName, Apple iQuest, Arctic Zone, Aretina Dux, Arix, artofdvorak, Astral Gaza, Atnas, Auto-Magic, AuZie FightA, B Adger, Baqlawa, BebotKing, Becker2010, Bert Stone, big diz, Bigg Dogg, Blaa, Blahblapanda, Blasterizer, Blue Hubbard, BlueFreddy11, Bobacupcake, Borixi, Borizi, Borosouro, Bouboule123, Bradybeen, Bradybeen200, Brappa, Bulbazard, Calivatarsi, Capri, Cassel, Ch00blet, ChaDMcBaDD, Chajko, Chandis Troi, Chaotic Eric, Charalambos7, Chaz5100, chimneyLAX, Choc-Barrage, Choto 3000, chris10617, Ciehl, Cikx, Cireon, Clan Quest, Clareece, Clean Tosols, Codelyoko252, Col Ton, ColdEndeavor, CoolBanksy, CorruptPony, CQ Klippa, CQ Sethron, CraftyMagpie, Crannos, Crash3393, Cyan R, Cyanpnir, Dane Karai, DanielJSaints, Dannyyyy, darc59, Darthmarth, Data479, DatDus, Day Dreamer, De Radiohead, DeathByGod, Deimos, Delenda Est, Denniz, Deranqeed, Derparnieux, Desmo360, Diapolo 10, Digminewalk, dillyDclaw, Diocles, DISTRBD beat, DivineQuest, dobbolsteen, Doc Hawk, Doctor Quest, Dogsnow MkII, DoktorBorg, Domina Ignis, domthemexcan, Douglas-Fir, Dour Matt, Dragon Elder, DragonFox, Dragonkith, DrakanHpS, Draziw, DrRo, Duckez, Duke Juker, Duke Nemesis, Dumb Dragon, Duredel, Dusjangvord, E S C, Earendil20, Easybake5000, EchoRaptor, EEEEEvan, ElementChaoz, Ellok, elven badass, Elystian, EpicQuester, Erza Scar8, ewe Logs, Fairangel, Fallen Fire, FaroxKratos, Fe NadeZiLLa, FeelMyPokes, FieldsOfHope, Final Primal, Finska, Flying 0ne, FM x anxiety, FMJ Frog, Francine1225, Frawr, G U NS H I P, Gaitt, Gardenchick, Gast Ring, Gielach, Gift Shop, Giovanig, Gladion, Goku_SSJbleu, Gooberlee, Green Repeat, Grymm Slayer, Haalalbacon, Halodeath, Har-Aken Rex, Helgrinds, Hemsky, Hexamethyl, Hi Im Dice, Holy Rebuild, Hope3, Huncho Rei, Hxcheyo, i herblaw, I Tell Jokes, I-am-SpEwNeR, IcarusEffect, IcyDefiance, icydemise, Idiotonastic, iiDefend, Ik woon hier, ILikeSlayer, Iomeces, Irene Angel, Iron Adge, Iron Avatar, Iron C0ke, IronPokes, Isarap, Iskh, Istmhus, Iti Manu, Its Drama, Jaguar 007, Jammy Jenni, Jan Itor MD, Jessiboo, Jewbakka, Jibbeh, Jjwatchdog4d, Jrnedraw, Juan S, Juju senpai, Jungle VIP, K3F, Kappathegray, Karen Angel, KatMak, Kebabthief, Kelondras, Kexy, Kitt79, Kitty Aether, krazy lady, KrisAnne, Ktbrok, KyojinSatsu, Lady Klaw, Lanticex, LazyKernel, Legend Nomad, Letyrman, Lhokin, Lhotse, linkvi, Locko11113, lol mosnter, Lord Boba122, Lord Duffs, Lord Dustea, Lord Earth, LordMasamune, LoreDeluxe, LovelyMortal, Luke Totodile, Luv Natural, Lycan979, MagicHunter, Magicking, MahjarratElf, Malchior, MamaMystic, Manu Nui, Marc Petry11, Marimba, Marnit, Matts374, Max Questptz, McLubbin, Mej-Quest, Mell, membershi, Men of Man, Merovech, Meru, Meyza, MGS Snake, Microfunding, Milhojas, Miss Alaska, Miss Malice, MOLDY SHOWER, Monpensier, Moodragonx, Mr M, Mr Zaros357, MrArgute, MrNickname, Mrnokia, Msi_soosalu, MsKonnan10, Naowed, Nebulon Mah, Necro Devil8, Necroth, Nedgeh, Neutral Book, nicky nats, Nicole Angel, Nidhogg1, NL Nightmare, Noblewoman44, Nogard210, NordicFalcon, NoxBow, Nub Draziw, Nythirios, Oatsmeal, odarkstar, Of Nomad, Oleifsson, OnAQuest, Ons Bier, Orcinuss, Ozazoyo, Panda in Luv, Paper Gap, PARATUS, Patapolo, Patisfat, pentixide, Pink elegant, Pizzar456, Pjcrus, plunder unit, Premier Parm, Prince Valor, ProdigalGazz, Profeshnull, Protoman807, PsymonM77, PTV Suli, QBond008, QuackAttack, Queen Adena, Quest Kitty, Quest Paws, QuestAngel, Questcaping, R0noue, Raamo, Rah0rakhty, Ramchop, RaptureRose, Rawwr Rob, Recon Unit, Redroan, Reiku, Rendition, Repo Santa, RevCity, Rex Compitum, Rgm O7, Ridley, Riverdesign, Roadmaps, Robbe, Rodonies, Rolladude540, RoronZoro, Row of snow, Ruddie, Rune Dragon, Ryan IRL, Saku382, Sangre Sani, Santa Ends, Saxspieler, ScarletLily, Schnetts, Scorpion3yes, sCy, Seabreeze24, Seanyboy633, Sebbage, See Name, Sesshyy, Seth E Roth, Shack 398, Shane12088, Shiro Shana, Shluffi, Shut up685, Sidewalks, Sillycat98, Simbakuro, Sina Atn, Sir ve Blade, Sirapyro, Sk8r Dan Man, Skeets, Skipps, Skullbash258, Smooth Guru, Snow Light, Snowqueen303, Soap Eater, sockem, SoleQuest, Solis, Special Que, Sprinkles_GS, StarLordSean, StarShyne, Stick Man H, Stinkypete22, Sugar man, Suits, SullyV22, Super Zhi, Supertje, Supmyninja, Surge Aurora, Symun, T3hhustl3r, Tahimik, Takis Fuego, Tanbino, Tasty Romeo, TehQuestGuy, Temato, Tenembre, Terdsniffer0, TERR1LL, Terraformed, Thaxy, Thaxy Cab, The Rerecros, The Skeezer, the19t, the19txx, TheFireBro, TheQuiver, TheRedLady, TheVoid 2952, TheVyreWatch, Thhe Pac, Toddio22, Tohtli, Tomhickling, Toragrai, Trips Travis, Truly a Weeb, Tuor, TwiztidSoul, Ty Ler, Tyco Elf, TycoElf, Ultradog177, Uptheirons05, V-Feather, Vagonbrei, Valwyndir, Vaninar, vanitk, VanStyx, Vapor13579, VaragianBard, Veitchy, Viulu, Viye, Vodka B, Void Concept, Voltage133, Vss, VVizzzurd, Vyndaril 777, Waroch, Whig, WhiksyTF, Wolfeltopia, Wolffi, wolffie, WolfKnightRS, Xanthangum, XenaFlame, Xenon Ray, xenon41, XGN Xero, Xil-Cam, Xoreinn, xoxSCOTTYxox, XxPinHead, YLee, Yo_Natty, Ytse, Zack 27, Zane Baked, Zephyr Thief, zoltri ca, Zookeeper53
"Am I not destroying my enemies by making them my friends?" -Martin Luther King Jr, attributed to Abraham Lincoln.
"The director of an orchestra makes no sound. His power, such that it is, is only as great as his ability to make everyone else's power to create music better, and to make everyone else work together." -Benjamin Zander
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Re: Applying for a new Guild.

Postby Shane » Tue Mar 13, 2018 2:03 am

Draziw, per the vote found here here, and as a member of Clan Council I hereby accept the The Questing Clan of RuneScape (or The RuneScape Guild) into Clan Quest!

I see you have already started conducting an honour council election with respect to the constitution. Thank you.
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Re: Applying for a new Guild.

Postby Roadsick » Wed Jun 27, 2018 3:13 pm

Name of Proposed Guild?:
Old School Clan Quest

Focus Interest/Game?:
Old School RuneScape

Founding Members (Please list each on separate lines)? Are all five of these members registered with
Cory (Roadsick)
Irene Angel
The Sugam
Santa Ends

Who are the three Guild Councilors (Please list each on separate lines)?:
Cory aka Roadsick (Head of Guild Council)
Irene Angel
Santa Ends
The Sugam

Who is/are the Honor Councilor(s)?:
Santa Ends (Head of Honor Council)

Do you have a Guild Bank? If yes, please provide photo evidence. If no, why not?:
Yes. The screenmshot holds 6,600,000GP, which is over the equivalent value of $10. The money is currently held on my (Cory's) OSRS/Main account, I Prevail.
Additional information relevant to Guild's application?:
This guild has been setup but not officially working for a while. This application is intended to be its official opening.

Additional Members not included in founding 5?:
Sethron 666
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Re: Applying for a new Guild.

Postby Cireon » Sun Jul 08, 2018 11:54 am

Roadsick, per the vote found here here, and as a member of Clan Council I hereby accept the The Questing Clan of Old School RuneScape (or The Old School RuneScape Guild) into Clan Quest!
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Re: Applying for a new Guild.

Postby Natkda » Mon Jan 07, 2019 2:06 pm

Thanks for the invite ragulu. Hopefully this is the right spot
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Re: Applying for a new Guild.

Postby Natkda » Mon Jan 07, 2019 2:08 pm

Not sure how to use the forms here. Sorry
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Re: Applying for a new Guild.

Postby Cireon » Mon Jan 07, 2019 2:33 pm

If you play Old School you should follow the instructions here. For RS3 use this thread
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Re: Applying for a new Guild.

Postby Dawn » Sun Jun 02, 2019 4:33 pm

Focus Interest/Game?:
Rocket League

Founding Members:
Shiro Shana

Who are the three Guild Councilors?:

Who is/are the Honor Councilor(s)?:

Do you have a Guild Bank?
No; In the game of Rocket League there is no soft currency that players can earn - There is only the Battlepass system and keys to open chests. They are untradable and items won with them are untradable for lengthy periods of time therefore I believe they are not a good form of currency to use for a guild bank and there are no alternatives for the game.

Additional information relevant to Guild's application?:
Rocket League is a competitive team game with a strong standing in e-sports for a few years now. Players can form teams of 2, 3 and 4 to play a football-esque 5 minute match with rocket powered cars.

Recently Psyonix created a Club system that allows groups such as Clan Quest to form clubs - these function very much like clans in the sense that you can invite players in & play club matches/private matches etc. Players will automatically receive a clan-tag in game (it would be CQ in this instance)

The nice thing about this system is that, when a match is formed with a party of people in the same club it does 2 things.

1. It changes the team name from blue or orange to Clan Quest
2. It changes the colour of your car to that of the club colours which are set in the club settings. (These would match Clan Quest branding)

I believe this would make for some nice visibility of the clan in game.

Recruitment can be handled in numerous ways - through visibility in-game & general chat as well as reaching out to places such as the official discord & inviting people who are looking for friends to play with as queuing with randoms is always a risk! The clan has a lot to offer in general that might prove as bigger incentives to people.

The plan for the long term will be to get into semi-pro tournaments with a roster of players who can join in + maybe push to get Clan Quest into pro e-sports!

Additional Members not included in founding 5?:
None confirmed but I would like to get the application in early so I can get the ball rolling :) once everything is set up i'm certain people will join

Thanks for taking the time to read and consider!

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Re: Applying for a new Guild.

Postby Sirapyro » Wed Jun 05, 2019 6:54 pm

Dawn, per the vote found here here, and as a member of the Clan Council I hereby accept the Rocket League Guild into Clan Quest! Congratulations, and welcome!
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Re: Applying for a new Guild.

Postby Shiro_Shana » Thu May 28, 2020 2:35 pm

Focus Interest/Game?:
Runescape 3 - Ironman guild

Founding Members:
Yui Yua (Shiro's ironman)
ldiotonastic (idiot's ironman)
Derpkleenex (Derp's ironman)
Iron Vss (Vss' ironman)
Iron Adge (Adge's ironman)

Who are the three Guild Councilors?:
Yui Yua (Shiro's ironman)
ldiotonastic (idiot's ironman)
Derpkleenex (Derp's ironman)

Who is/are the Honor Councilor(s)?:

Do you have a Guild Bank?
Iron men cannot trade, so there is no option for inter-player trade or use of a bank.

Additional information relevant to Guild's application?:
Creating a new hub for ironmen allows us to help each other more easily and attract other ironmen to play with. Group pvm is a big issue for ironmen and therefore attracting new ironmen can be really helpful in this regard. We can still hang around in the main chat as guests or via our main accounts, but the separate clan channel allows us to meet an ironman account need that is not as easily fulfilled using just cc Clan Quest.

While we recognize that some people in the existing RS3 guild might not necessarily see a need to separate the two groups into separate clan chats, this is something asked for by the people listed as our founding members, as well as additional members down below. We would prefer our own guild.

Here are a few points to consider in support of the guild, and about its operation generally.

Recruitment can be done in a similar way as is done in the main rs3 guild. Because ironman accounts often have a main account associated with them, there is a potential that ironman accounts joining this new group will attract new people into the main clan as well. We also have the potential to recruit ironman accounts from mains affiliated with non Clan Quest clans, increasing the clan’s (if not rs3 guild’s) total membership.

Management of our new guild should be relatively similar to the operation of RS3’s management. We likely won’t have a quest cape requirement to join the Guild Council, but we will still maintain a ranking system that is based on quest points, and we will still encourage questing in conjunction with our chief focus of playing ironman accounts.

We’re aware that there might be potential negatives to splitting membership of ironmans from the RS3 guild. Because of the ability to guest, we find the potential negative to be far outweighed by the benefits we see, and the simple ability for our unique community to better organize. Moving the small number of ironman accounts out of the cc Clan Quest, frees up spaces in game for the RS3 guild’s channel, ensuring that a sweep will not be immediately needed. (CC Clan Quest is approaching 500 members. Adding new members will require kicking people to free up slots. This approach allows alt accounts to move to another clan in game, while still keeping the community whole).

We are incredibly excited to create a new guild!

Additional Members not included in founding 5?:
Hardiskh (iskh's ironman)
Nastyrodent6 (Denniz's ironman)
Ironnordic20 (NordicFalcon’s ironman)
This list may expand over the few days as I haven't gotten all the names yet.

Thanks for your time

Shiro Shana
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Re: Applying for a new Guild.

Postby Sirapyro » Sun May 31, 2020 7:57 pm

Shiro, per the vote found here here, and as a member of the Clan Council I hereby accept the RuneScape 3 Ironman Guild into Clan Quest! Congratulations, and welcome!
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Re: Applying for a new Guild.

Postby Derparnieux » Sat Jun 05, 2021 8:54 pm

Name of Proposed Guild:
Chess Guild

Focus Interest/Game:

Founding Members:

Guild Council:
Derp (Head of Guild Council)

Honour Council:
Diapolo (Head of Honour Council)

Guild Bank:
We do not have a Guild Bank, as there is no currency used in chess. We will be using the platform of for official games, mostly because this website already has infrastructure in place to form a club and host arena-style tournaments within that club. If it were ever the case that we would host a tournament with an actual prize, then we have the option of ‘gifting’ premium membership to players, which unlocks additional features on the platform.

Additional Information:
We have already created a Clan Quest club on our platform of choice. We want to form a Guild because this allows us to get additional infrastructure on the Clan Quest Discord server and on the offsite so that we can host tournaments, post guides and puzzles, etc. in a more central and visible space. Also, we have just finished the first Clan Quest Chess Tournament (dubbed Questchamps), and this was a pretty successful tournament held over the span of 3 months, during which matches were regularly streamed via Discord, as well as the finals being streamed on the Clan Quest Twitch channel. Some people outside of the tournament came to watch and expressed their interest in participating in chess content in the future.

Additional Members:
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Re: Applying for a new Guild.

Postby Draziw » Tue Jun 08, 2021 11:46 pm

Hi Derp:

Per the vote found here here it appears the clan's community is in support of the measure. As a member of the Clan Council, I hereby accept the Chess Guild into Clan Quest!

Congratulations and welcome!
"Am I not destroying my enemies by making them my friends?" -Martin Luther King Jr, attributed to Abraham Lincoln.
"The director of an orchestra makes no sound. His power, such that it is, is only as great as his ability to make everyone else's power to create music better, and to make everyone else work together." -Benjamin Zander
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Re: Applying for a new Guild.

Postby Dr Regi » Thu Aug 26, 2021 7:18 pm

Name of Proposed Guild? Small Pp's (Provoking Pirates)
Focus Interest/Game?: Bossing
Founding Members (Please list each on separate lines)? Are all five of these members registered with ZodiacHide, Denniz, QuestAreShit, Dr Regi, NordicFalcon.

Who are the three Guild Councilors (Please list each on separate lines)?:
Denniz, Dr. Regi, NordicFalcon

Who is/are the Honor Councilor(s)?:
QuestAreShit, ZodiacHide, Denniz

Do you have a Guild Bank? If yes, please provide photo evidence. If no, why not?:
A guild bank is not necessary. The purpose of this guild is to train, teach, and collective boos with each other. Profits are split evenly following each boss kill. In the event that those learning or being taught how to boss die, they will be reimburse their death cost.

Additional information relevant to Guild's application?: While the name seems a bit out of order, it reflects the mentality of the founding members of the Small Pp Guild. The guild is meant to be open and welcoming to all those looking to learn how to boss.

Additional Members not included in founding 5?: No additional members at the moment; however, we are actively recruiting additional members to join this bossing guild.
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Re: Applying for a new Guild.

Postby Draziw » Fri Aug 27, 2021 1:58 pm

Hi Regi,

Per our discord DMs, I'm not going to process this application because you have indicated an interest in withdrawing the application.

If you would like me to process the app, just let me know.

Note: Focus Interest/ Game should be updated to better reflect that the Guild is opening in RS3, for bossing. When a Guild applies to open in a game or focus interest where another guild already exists, typically it is good practice to coordinate with the existing guild's head to ensure there is no conflicts.

Note: Guild Bank is not optional. Excusal for it not existing is only permitted where otherwise impossible. For this application to be processed, the new guild must have a bank.

"Am I not destroying my enemies by making them my friends?" -Martin Luther King Jr, attributed to Abraham Lincoln.
"The director of an orchestra makes no sound. His power, such that it is, is only as great as his ability to make everyone else's power to create music better, and to make everyone else work together." -Benjamin Zander
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Re: Applying for a new Guild.

Postby Cyan R » Sat May 21, 2022 7:19 pm

Name of Proposed Guild?:
Clan Quest Pokémon League

Focus Interest/Game?:
Pokémon (video games and TCG)

Founding Members (Please list each on separate lines)? Are all five of these members registered with
Cyan R
Luke Lockjaw
Shane Remie

Who are the three Guild Councilors (Please list each on separate lines)?:
Cyan R
Luke Lockjaw
Shane Remie

Who is/are the Honor Councilor(s)?:
Cyan R

Do you have a Guild Bank? If yes, please provide photo evidence. If no, why not?:
No. Pokémon is a set of largely a single player games and no wealth is able to be widely shared across a community.

Additional information relevant to Guild's application?:
There has always been Pokémon content in our Discord server. The Clan Quest Pokémon League would be a place where fans of the Pokémon franchise would be able to interact with each other in a designated space for trading, battling and to share information and strategies for competitive Pokémon.
With brand new Pokémon titles on the horizon, it is a good time to set up a new part of the Clan Quest community that will carry this interest and create a space to share information and news.

Additional Members not included in founding 5?:
"The past be important. We can and must be learning from it, but it cannot shackle us... The old ways be valuable, but only as a foundation for the future we wish to be building."
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Re: Applying for a new Guild.

Postby Cyan R » Sun May 29, 2022 6:38 pm

Having spoken with Cireon and with the prospective Guild Councilors, we believe there is a way for us to accomplish what we wished using current Clan Quest infrastructure. As such, we do not wish to continue with the application. Thank you for your time.
"The past be important. We can and must be learning from it, but it cannot shackle us... The old ways be valuable, but only as a foundation for the future we wish to be building."
-Vol'jin, of the Darkspear

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