Please read in here first. These are the Rules and Guides for being "part" of the clan. You can also apply to the various Guilds here.

Moderators: Clan Council, Moderators, Guild Councilors

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The RuneScape Guild!

Postby Draziw » Tue Feb 20, 2018 4:14 am

~~~~About The Questing Clan of RuneScape~~~~

Our clan channel in the Runescape game is: Clan Quest

The Questing Clan of Runescape, known also as Clan Quest, was created in the Runescape game on November of 2009 by a bunch of questers. After inviting all the “Quest Noobs” they knew, they requested recognition from Jagex and were formally recognized in the Clan Database on December 8th, 2009. Hereafter, all new recruits are called noobs to this day.

Clan Quest was featured in the Clan Blog (By Mod Timbo) August 4th, 2010, and featured again during the “Clan Celebration Month” of March, 2011. With the creation of our own website, continued recognition from Jagex and the game community, Clan Quest has steadily increased in popularity. We are the official hosts for the annual Quest Fest event, and try to maintain an active presence in the Global Questing and Clan communities.

As it stands now, Clan Quest has absorbed multiple questing and event clans, has over 400 members, and is the largest Questing Community in Runescape! Clan Quest is also listed on the Runescape Clan Wiki, Runehead, Official Runescape Wiki, and has its own RuneScape Fansite.

~~~~Concerning Quests~~~~
There has been much discussion about the value of questing compared to other game content. In our minds there is no contest. The fundamental gameplay in Runescape is adventuring, exploring the lore, and fighting for good (or evil). This - the main idea and objective of the game - finds its primary outlet in quests. Everything else - all the skilling and training - is there only for the adventurer to train to the level of being able to successfully live through the adventures. Skilling is practice - the quests are the real RuneScape tests.

A quester must have ingenuity, determination and imagination in order to complete a quest. Quests open up entire areas, new armour and abilities that expand the depth and breadth of the game. Questers can ride eagles, use fairy rings, and even manage their own kingdoms.

With new quests being added and the minimum skill levels required to complete them constantly rising, Clan Quest is here to help you get that cape. The Quest Point Cape will never go out of fashion!

~~~~Importance of Noobness~~~~
Ever been called a noob? Fear not, for this is no bad thing! In our clan, it’s considered a term of endearment, with many of our members incorporating the word ‘noob’ into their nicknames. Everybody starts out inexperienced, and we encourage our members to learn and grow together. Noobs need XP too! If you’re not an expert, you’re a noob. But you’re OUR noob! Since nobody is an expert in everything... we are all noobs!

Rest assured, if you are called a noob you are considered a part of our clan family. We take this very seriously! Feel free to call any of us noobs (as long as you remain polite) and please mind our intentions if you are addressed as a noob.

~~~~Our Rules~~~~
To ensure that everyone in the channel has the most fun, certain rules are in place to protect members and visitors to our clan. All participants are expected to follow our clan's rules. All members of the clan are assumed to have read and agreed with the rules. Failure to adhere to these rules can result in consequences varying in severity.

(1) All Jagex rules apply
(2) No insulting/offensive behavior (including spamming and excessive profanity)
(3) Conflict? Deal with it out of the chat!
(4) Avoid sensitive topics as they can cause conflict, and be respectful of divergent behavior/viewpoints.
(5) All clan members must abide to our Code of Ethics.

~~~~How to Join~~~~
Requirements to Join
- Must be a Runescape member.
- Must have a total of 20% of quest points completed.
- Must have read and acknowledged clan rules.

Requirements to become full member
- Must have created a clan offsite account.

Steps to Join
  • Join clan chat “Clan Quest” as a guest. Talk to our members and see if you like our community. Make sure people get to know you.
  • Post an application letter based on the template at the bottom.
  • After your application is accepted by a Councilor, get in contact with any Councilor (silver key) in-game to be invited to the clan.
  • Once you have met all membership requirements (see above), you may be afforded full membership to the clan. Ask any Councilor to promote you to your appropriate rank.
  • If you change your name, please post the name change on our name changes thread.
Please copy and paste the below form in a reply, and complete all sections with your best answers.
Runescape name & previous name(s):
Answer Optional: Do you have a single person pronoun you wish people to refer to you by (i.e. He, she, they?):
Have you read our rules? Do you agree with them?:
Do you accept to becoming part of our family, and will you respect other members, even if your opinions differ?:
Number of quest points completed?:
Favorite Quest? Why?:
Least Favorite Quest? Why?:
Total Level?:
How did you learn about our clan?:
What are you looking for in a clan?:
Would you rather walk a mile in another man's shoes, or carry the man the mile?:
If you close both eyes, can you still see?:
If you know what you do not know, do you know everything?:
Are you interested in being invited in-game to Clan Quest?:
Do you have any questions about this clan, e.g. its threads, the application, etc.?
Last edited by Tyco elf on Thu Nov 15, 2018 10:06 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The RuneScape Guild!

Postby miseryoflife » Wed May 30, 2018 12:13 am

Runescape name & previous name(s): Miseryoflife
Sponsor's name: TheVyrewatch
Have you read our rules? Do you agree with them?:
Do you accept to becoming part of our family, and will you respect other members, even if your opinions differ?: Yes
Total Quest Points?: 399
Favorite Quest? Why?: Fate of the Gods cuz return on Zaros and loved lore and voice acting
Least Favorite Quest? Why?: Kennith's Conerns cuz I hate that stealth part
Total Level?: 2724 (2830)
How did you learn about our clan?: Was once a member have guested for years
Would you rather walk a mile in another man's shoes, or carry the man the mile?: Walk a mile in their shoes
If you close both eyes, can you still see?: Depends on your definition
If you know what you do not know, do you know everything?: No cuz thats a paradox
Are you interested in being invited in-game to Clan Quest?: no
Do you have any questions about this clan, e.g. its threads, the application, etc.?
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RS3 Name: Lynxlynx
Quest Points: 396

Re: The RuneScape Guild!

Postby Lynxlynx » Wed May 30, 2018 7:57 pm

Runescape name & previous name(s): Lynxlynx
Sponsor's name: Tyco elf
Have you read our rules? Do you agree with them?: Yes
Do you accept to becoming part of our family, and will you respect other members, even if your opinions differ?: Yes
Total Quest Points?: 399
Favorite Quest? Why?: So hard to choose. Ritual of the Mahjarrat, because it introduced (if you don't count the end of While Guthix Sleeps) one of the most interesting races, Dragonkin, and because of the story
Least Favorite Quest? Why?: Imp catcher, because when I did it, at least, it was just "deliver 4 beads you can bring with you from the start, done"
Total Level?: 2611(2644 virtual)
How did you learn about our clan?: Met some people from it in Lore fc, and joined a clan quest event. Started to guest shortly after
Would you rather walk a mile in another man's shoes, or carry the man the mile?: Carry the man the mile
If you close both eyes, can you still see?: Yes
If you know what you do not know, do you know everything?: I smell a paradox
Are you interested in being invited in-game to Clan Quest?: No, not atm at least
Do you have any questions about this clan, e.g. its threads, the application, etc.? Nope
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Re: The RuneScape Guild!

Postby ILikeSlayer » Wed May 30, 2018 10:07 pm

Hey Lynx, I accepted your application!
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Re: The RuneScape Guild!

Postby Bell » Sun Jun 03, 2018 12:20 am

Runescape name & previous name(s): Bell Quinn, Bellieve
Sponsor's name: Wolffi
Have you read our rules? Do you agree with them?: Yes
Do you accept to becoming part of our family, and will you respect other members, even if your opinions differ?: Absolutely
Total Quest Points?: 399
Favorite Quest? Why?: Children of Mah - love the lore
Least Favorite Quest? Why?: Eyes of Glouphrie - because machine had glitch
Total Level?: 2681/2816
How did you learn about our clan?: We have been allies and friends for many years
Would you rather walk a mile in another man's shoes, or carry the man the mile?: Id like to do both. One gives a better understanding of his situation, while sometimes people need to be carried when they cant do it for themselves.
If you close both eyes, can you still see?: Not all sight is with the eyes, much is from the heart.
If you know what you do not know, do you know everything?: Its impossible to know everything, but no reason to stop trying to learn all you can.
Are you interested in being invited in-game to Clan Quest?: If I wasn't the leader of SkyGuardians, I would happily join CQ.
Do you have any questions about this clan, e.g. its threads, the application, etc.? Nope
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Re: The RuneScape Guild!

Postby Wolffi » Sun Jun 03, 2018 12:42 am

I, Wolffi of Wolfiness, The World Guardian, an ex-Zamorakian, enslaved follower of the Hoods, a Paw.fian, and many other possibly unpronounceable things, think that Bell is still a good, and wanted, fit for Clan Quest and the community. Also I promise to improvise more sponsor letters in the future because clearly we don't have any good ones. Okay thanks :D
Does the 'God of Evil' match your expectations? Am I terrifying to behold? Truth to be told I do not consider evil a worthwhile pursuit -- My philosophy is 'strength from chaos and adversity'. It is about improving oneself by overcoming obstacles. The other gods would have you follow static rules and live a life as unchanging as stone. My way is better.
~ Zamorak, the Dark Lord, God of Chaos and Death.
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Re: The RuneScape Guild!

Postby Sirapyro » Sun Jun 03, 2018 12:58 am

Hi Bell, I have accepted your application!
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Re: The RuneScape Guild!

Postby Wikky86 » Tue Jun 12, 2018 6:38 pm

Hello everyone! I'm keen to submit an application but I'm going to need a sponsor! I'll easily be the least work of a 'sponsee'(?!) ever!. As I've mentioned on the guest clan chat haven't really played RS since Nomads requiem was released. I'm pretty focussed on getting my QC. If you check out my log you'll see I've been pretty busy skilling to try and get back on piste. ... er/wikky86

I'll need a wee bit of help with all the new content that's been added over the years but I'm a pretty fast learner. Anyone willing?
Runescape name & previous name(s): Wikky86

Sponsor's name: Your name here?

Have you read our rules? Do you agree with them?: Yes & yes.

Do you accept to becoming part of the Clan Quest family, and will you respect other members, even if your opinions differ?: Yes.

Have you created an account on our offsite (mandatory for full membership)? Yes.

What is the name for your offsite account you created (we will have an admin authenticate your account)?: Wikky86

Total Quest Points?: 348

Favorite Quest? Why?: Anything with Zanik in it. I enjoyed her character arc.

Least Favoruite Quest? Why?: Broken Home. Checking the doors all the time was tedious.

Total Level?: 114cb / 1960 skill

How did you learn about our clan?: RS forums. I was a member of a questing clan a number of years ago and really enjoyed it I was fairly high ranking and tended to work with those starting their quest journals..

Would you rather walk a mile in another man's shoes, or carry the man the mile?: I can barely do a mile regardless.

If you close both eyes, can you still see?: Yes...the inside of your eyelids.

If you know what you do not know, do you know everything?: Everything is a fallible concept, similar to the idea of infinity plus one.

Do you have any questions about this clan, e.g. its threads, the application, etc.?: No.
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Re: The RuneScape Guild!

Postby Tyco elf » Tue Jun 12, 2018 11:33 pm

Hi Wikky86. I have read through your application and noted you are in need of a sponsor before I can approve it.

A sponsor is a member of Clan Quest supporting your application. The easiest way to find a sponsor is by guesting our clan chat in Runescape and get involved with our community. By doing this you will not only get to know your future clan-members, but also find someone who can help you with your application. When you have found a sponsor, make sure the sponsor tells a Guild Councilor or posts in this thread that he/she is sponsoring you. Then edit your post to include the name of your sponsor. I will then look at it again.

Tyco Elf, Head of the Runescape Guild Council.
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Re: The RuneScape Guild!

Postby Wikky86 » Sun Jun 17, 2018 9:14 pm

Runescape name & previous name(s): Wikky86

Sponsor's name: Questcaping

Have you read our rules? Do you agree with them?: Yes & yes.

Do you accept to becoming part of the Clan Quest family, and will you respect other members, even if your opinions differ?: Yes.

Have you created an account on our offsite (mandatory for full membership)? Yes.

What is the name for your offsite account you created (we will have an admin authenticate your account)?: Wikky86

Total Quest Points?: 348

Favorite Quest? Why?: Anything with Zanik in it. I enjoyed her character arc.

Least Favoruite Quest? Why?: Broken Home. Checking the doors all the time was tedious.

Total Level?: 114cb / 1960 skill

How did you learn about our clan?: RS forums. I was a member of a questing clan a number of years ago and really enjoyed it I was fairly high ranking and tended to work with those starting their quest journals..

Would you rather walk a mile in another man's shoes, or carry the man the mile?: I can barely do a mile regardless.

If you close both eyes, can you still see?: Yes...the inside of your eyelids.

If you know what you do not know, do you know everything?: Everything is a fallible concept, similar to the idea of infinity plus one.

Do you have any questions about this clan, e.g. its threads, the application, etc.?: No.
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Re: The RuneScape Guild!

Postby Questcaping » Sun Jun 17, 2018 9:22 pm

I, (Master) Questcaping the Questcapest Questcaper, think that Wikky86 is a good fit for Clan Quest. I too love Zanik quests and can't stand Broken Home.
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Re: The RuneScape Guild!

Postby Worm Guts » Sun Aug 19, 2018 11:54 pm

Sponsor's name: Kats Pjama
Have you read our rules? Do you agree with them?: You bet
Do you accept to becoming part of our family, and will you respect other members, even if your opinions differ?: Yes!
Total Quest Points?: 57 (New account my bad)
Favorite Quest? Why?: All of them, Because I couldn't think of a specific one, Lord of Vampyrium probably.
Least Favorite Quest? Why?: Waterfall. Too easy and OP rewards.
Total Level?: 1120
How did you learn about our clan?: Found a member afking, spied on his stats and saw the Clan. Checked on RS Furoms. Guested. Chatted. Loved it.
Would you rather walk a mile in another man's shoes, or carry the man the mile?: Someone else's shoes are pretty gross. Guess I'll carry him.
If you close both eyes, can you still see?: I expected boring questions wtf
If you know what you do not know, do you know everything?: I know a little bit of Calculus :D
Are you interested in being invited in-game to Clan Quest?: YES
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RS3 Name: Manu Nui
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Re: The RuneScape Guild!

Postby Katatonic » Mon Aug 20, 2018 12:01 am

I Kats Pjama, who wallows in Winters Grip do think that Worm Guts with his Iron Man abilities will fit well in with our current group of resident people.
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Re: The RuneScape Guild!

Postby Perseus » Thu Aug 23, 2018 8:03 pm

Runescape name & previous name(s): Perseus, Perseus Pyro
Sponsor's name: Thorffi
Have you read our rules? Do you agree with them?: Yep
Do you accept to becoming part of our family, and will you respect other members, even if your opinions differ?: Yeppers
Total Quest Points?: 399
Favorite Quest? Why?: Gower Quest, classic RS style and tons of references
Least Favorite Quest? Why?: Heart of Stone, terrible story, terrible mechanics.
Total Level?: 2736
How did you learn about our clan?: I'm an ex member
Would you rather walk a mile in another man's shoes, or carry the man the mile?: Walk a mile in the shoes, I'm meek.
If you close both eyes, can you still see?: *insert meaningful statement here*
If you know what you do not know, do you know everything?: I think my previous answer was "no, but you can then look up the stuff you don't know to learn it".
Are you interested in being invited in-game to Clan Quest?: Not currently, no.
Do you have any questions about this clan, e.g. its threads, the application, etc.? N/a
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Re: The RuneScape Guild!

Postby Wolffi » Thu Aug 23, 2018 8:17 pm

I, Wolffi (or Thorffi), of frozen wasteland, of Japan of Scandinavia, of the existing of the non existent, and of the first sentient wolves of keystone Earth, think that Perseus is a good fit for the Clan of Questing that is Clan Quest the Questing Clan.
Does the 'God of Evil' match your expectations? Am I terrifying to behold? Truth to be told I do not consider evil a worthwhile pursuit -- My philosophy is 'strength from chaos and adversity'. It is about improving oneself by overcoming obstacles. The other gods would have you follow static rules and live a life as unchanging as stone. My way is better.
~ Zamorak, the Dark Lord, God of Chaos and Death.
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Re: The RuneScape Guild!

Postby Perseus » Thu Aug 23, 2018 8:19 pm

Ty Wolffi <3
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Re: The RuneScape Guild!

Postby Tyco elf » Thu Aug 23, 2018 8:23 pm

Perseus has been accepted into the RS3-Guild of Clan Quest!
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Re: The RuneScape Guild!

Postby SantaEnds » Sat Aug 25, 2018 9:08 am

Welcome! It's been a long time coming.
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Re: The RuneScape Guild!

Postby Siffle » Fri Sep 07, 2018 12:09 pm

Runescape name & previous name(s): Siffle / PixelTrash / PinguTrash
Sponsor's name: I don't know if a have a sponser yet? But i have been encouraged to join by [Archrys AKA Psycho-Tech]. However, i am not deciding to Join JUST yet. I have been told to apply here to guest for the time being in the discord as i have a lot of deciding on whether to join along with some questions i'd like to cover over discord with someone. :)
Have you read our rules? Do you agree with them?: Yes/Yes
Do you accept to becoming part of our family, and will you respect other members, even if your opinions differ?: If i have decided to join, yes. I am still deciding on whether to join the clan as i'd like to see what the discord environment is like before making my decision. I've just left a clan i was in for 2 years as a organiser which was hard to do as they were like family. However, that is a long story for another time. I'd like to get to know the members over discord not only just in the clan chat as sometimes the environment of both could be different from each other.
Total Quest Points?: 337
Favorite Quest? Why?: All of them except the follow below
Least Favorite Quest? Why?: Broken Home.. KMS.. :( I screamed when i was being chased by the monster and had to avoid the purple rooms. Also A Void Dance when i had to do the Chemical Quiz, i also screamed..
Total Level?: 2116
How did you learn about our clan?: Psycho-Tech aka Archry's mentioned this clan due to my love for questing and helping other players.
Would you rather walk a mile in another man's shoes, or carry the man the mile?: I would rather walk a mile in another man's shoes. This world is full of judgement and assumption of others, no one knows the true pain of someone until they have experienced their world in their shoes. I'd rather walk in their shoes to gain knowledge and understanding of what they have gone through, understand their pains and motivation they carry on their journey...
If you close both eyes, can you still see?: Yes, you do not need your eyes to see the world. You have your heart, soul and your other senses.. You can see the world with your imagination and your goals ahead. You do not need your eyes as often people use their eyes for their own selfish needs...
If you know what you do not know, do you know everything?: Go out and explore, don't take a human explanation of nature for granted. Maybe you will stumble across something, and that is how you will get to know, whether you know or don't know that you knew it or not.
Are you interested in being invited in-game to Clan Quest?: Hopefully :) As i stated about, i'd like to get to know the clan first in the discord as a guest while also having spoken to someone with authority who would be able to help me with some of my questions
Do you have any questions about this clan, e.g. its threads, the application, etc.? Yes .. Read above ^ :D

P.S Sorry for the long cheesy answers to the 3 random questions, i'm very literate when it comes to something deep... :( I'm not sure if this is the right place, as i'd love to get to know the clan first through the discord along with the clan chat as stated above. I have a couple questions regarding the clan that i hope to get in touch with someone, please add me on discord regarding this - [Siffle#5662]
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Re: The RuneScape Guild!

Postby Draziw » Fri Sep 07, 2018 2:55 pm

Hi Siffle

Thanks for your post. I reached out to you on discord, per your request. If I can answer any other questions, feel free to reach out to me there or here. Until such time as you've decided what you want to do, I will mark this application as pending an update from you, and a sponsor letter.

"Am I not destroying my enemies by making them my friends?" -Martin Luther King Jr, attributed to Abraham Lincoln.
"The director of an orchestra makes no sound. His power, such that it is, is only as great as his ability to make everyone else's power to create music better, and to make everyone else work together." -Benjamin Zander

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