Hoods! I'm already a member of the RS3 Guild and thought it was about time to dabble in OSRS. Thought I'd fill in the application anyway to introduce myself!
OSRS name & previous name(s): Darkestnight
Have you read our rules? Do you agree with them?: Of course
Do you accept to becoming part of the Clan Quest family, and will you respect other members, even if your opinions differ?: Already a part of the family so yes!
Total Quest Points?: At the time of writing, 56 Quest Points
Favourite Quest? Why?: See, now
this is why I want to do OSRS. I know what my favourite RS3 quests are but OSRS has some unique questlines with
very interesting premises that I want to explore. So I'm not sure yet! We shall see.
Least Favourite Quest? Why?: Shield of Arrav. The quest itself is fine, it's just the cooperative part and finding another person to help get the other half of the shield. I still have to do that for this account actually!
Total Level?: Good question, I should have checked that ^^" It's a low level I'll put it that way. Currently combat level 42.
What's your preferred gamestyle (i.e quester, skiller, pvmer, etc)?: Quester one hundred percent! Although I've become a skiller over the years as well.
How did you learn about our clan?: Blame Xurdones, he recruited me on reddit two years ago.
Would you rather walk a mile in another man's shoes, or carry the man the mile?: Depends on the shoes and how heavy the man is. Just
try and walk a mile in 8 inch heels.
If you close both eyes, can you still see?: The inside of my eyelids, yes!
If you know what you do not know, do you know everything?: 42.
[Optional] When is your birthday? (We are making a clan calendar): 7th March!
Do you have any questions about this clan, e.g. its threads, the application, etc.? Nope!